
留言人: 陳家豪1980-1985
主題: re:去英國好「閉翳」
留言日期: 8/24/2006 9:30:00 AM

miss chan,

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留言人: cat
主題: re:去英國好「閉翳」
留言日期: 8/24/2006 9:11:00 AM


雖然我不認識您仔仔, 但很想說句"恭喜恭喜"

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留言人: Gary Leung '70
主題: re: God bless you
留言日期: 8/24/2006 7:20:00 AM


Gary Leung '70
Sacramento Ca.

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:去英國好「閉翳」
留言日期: 8/24/2006 6:50:00 AM

Miss Chan,

My son almost got to Nottingham U and would have continued the Pui Shing association into the next generation ... but he ended up studying in the South West ...

I just returned from the UK earlier today. The security at Heathrow airport is definitely more serious but none too worrying. Interesting that people leaving the UK have to take the shoes off to be X-rayed abd also that no bottle liquid is allowed to be taken onto a plane ...

Enjoy your trip to the UK ... the weather and the sky there are better than in HK ...

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留言人: steve(70)
主題: re:don
留言日期: 8/19/2006 2:09:00 PM

Miss Chan
I forgot to mention this on Sept 11 I'll be going to New York city for vacation. Of all places I could've have chosen I chose NYC. Why? Because I have not been to NYC for about 7 to 8 years and I love to visit this great city again. If Jesus wants to see you in heaven He will choose the time on his own term.If it is the time for you to go then there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

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留言人: steve(70)
主題: don't worry be happy
留言日期: 8/19/2006 1:01:00 PM

Miss Chan
Congratulations to your son being accepted to the university to
study Pharmacy. You should be elated and not to be worry because
the MI5 (the British intelligence office) is one of the best organizations in the world to defeat any terrorist plots. You should just enjoy this trip and spend the happiest time of your life with your sons and don't forget to take lots of pictures to share with us.

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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: 去英國好「閉翳」
留言日期: 8/19/2006 2:23:00 AM

幸好霉運沒有「過檔」給細仔,前天剛好英國大學放榜,放榜前夕,平時鬼鬼馬馬的細仔明顯坐立不安,頻說很緊張,無論如何安慰,他都說害怕成績未能達大學標準。最後他說要出外找同學,今天他才告訴我他其實去了探鍾Sir。放榜日早上,他一早便起來,還兩次來電學校找我,把本來不太緊張的我和校長都弄得緊張起來。四時正,喜訊傳來,他終於考入Nottingham U讀藥劑,而校長的兒子亦考入大學讀精算,兩個母親終於鬆一口氣。
Miss Chan

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