
留言人: 卖药者言
主題: re:明目小秘方
留言日期: 8/3/2006 4:24:00 PM


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留言人: 卖药者言
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 3:55:00 PM





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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 3:40:00 PM


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留言人: 卖药者言
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 2:08:00 PM

自行解释自己牵强矛盾的说法,使无破绽 。近义词﹕自作掩饰。(国语辞典)

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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:porky meat
留言日期: 8/3/2006 1:11:00 PM



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留言人: mingpao reporter
主題: re:porky meat
留言日期: 8/3/2006 12:30:00 PM

穗兩成豬肉抗生素超標 2006年8月3日
廣 告





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留言人: 510
主題: re:有病醫病,無病強身
留言日期: 8/3/2006 11:06:00 AM

紅景天主要生長在長白山地區、西藏高原等海拔2000∼5600公尺的高寒地帶,主要分布於北半球的俄羅斯、蒙古,尤其是中國的西藏、四川西部、雲南西北部的高山流石、石縫、灌木叢林或高原草地。景天科紅景天屬植物,在全球共有九十多種,中國大陸約有73種,其中西藏高原就多達32種 ,產於西藏高原的大花紅景天堪稱是最頂級、優良的品種,是藥源中的正宗極品、地道藥材,因此藏族通常將產於西藏的大花紅景天稱為「藏域紅景天」或「西藏人參」。
主要功效:一、增强人体免疫力 二、增加人体的含氧量、抗氧化 三、提神醒脑、消除疲劳 四、提升记忆力 五、活化血液、提高血液质量 六、对抗电磁波或辐射刺激而产生的人体自由基 七、平衡血压 八、改善心肺功能障碍 九、调整人体内分泌系统 十、延缓人体衰老

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留言人: 卖药者言
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 6:27:00 AM


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留言人: 生神仙
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 6:20:00 AM


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留言人: abc
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 2:55:00 AM


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/3/2006 1:35:00 AM



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留言人: abc
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 1:46:00 PM

修養﹐態度﹐You’ve got a long way to go, man!

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留言人: abc
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 1:44:00 PM


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 11:55:00 AM



我們已聽厭了你的”凡制度皆有正反兩面論”, 因為討論事物就是要從正反兩面權衡輕重,從而說出你的立場,你呢?還有現在民主制度其實已預設了一系列的制度,遊樂規則,法治精神……絕不存在你提出的total freedom的迷思,事實上,即使民建聯也沒有用total freedom去反民主,反普選。

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 10:56:00 AM


關於邏輯謬誤一點:各位如果駡我是漢奸走狗(小孩子辯駁),我會對你微笑,因為這只是你的價值判斷,又不是事實,更沒有犯邏輯謬誤,但如果我問你原因,你只答你就是漢奸走狗(小孩子辯駁),這就是循環論證的謬誤,絕不高深,3秒學懂,一如眾校友所言common sense是也。討論時人時事要合乎一點邏輯,只是基本討論規則(純發嗡風可免),但來到母校留言板卻被指拋書包,捉字虱!一切到此,再沒話說。



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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/2/2006 8:48:00 AM


知之為知 之 ﹐ 不知為不知 。 實相非相﹐ 何解 ﹖ 願聞其詳 。

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留言人:  一教友
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 5:29:00 AM

correction: freedom of political prosecution should be freedom from political prosecution.

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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/2/2006 4:54:00 AM



暫時講這些好了!You’ve got a long way to go, man!

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留言人: 一教友
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/2/2006 3:35:00 AM

I don't think you understand the word freedom means. Freedom means freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of political prosecution, freedom of assembley and freedom of expression. You always have a set mind that freedom will create social unrest and chaos. Even though in Hong Kong we have more freedom than the mainland but we do not have social unrest or lawlessness. You have proved my points when you stated that if you want to do something illegal you would go up north because it is more available there. Just stop for a moment if this website is hosted in mainland China we would have been shut down long ago by the political arm of the Party. Several of our
sponsors would have been put in jail and undergone political re-education.

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/2/2006 1:28:00 AM


Try "looking" with your eyes closed ... use your mind, use your heart and see what you can see ...

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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/2/2006 12:44:00 AM

abc校 友 ﹐
我扚起心肝睇實塊牆成晚都只係見到塊牆﹐ 其他乜都冇﹐ 點解呢 ﹖

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留言人: AHA to 培聖人
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 8:33:00 PM


[AHA] I am sorry to hear that you do not fully understand, I will try and explain where I can.

[AHA] this is very much the harsh reality, liek it or not, we all live within a society where there are common rules, and our freedom would have to be within the rules. for an expample (and I knwo an example is by not means conclusive, it is intended to serve just as an example): I enjoy mother nature and hate wearing clothes at all, but I am not allowed to enjoy such "freedom" and go naked walking around the streets - there are rules that prevent me from enjoying my freedom. So, we can enjoy as much freedom within a boundry, a boundry defined as acceptable by "whoeever" within the society.

[AHA] What has 海豚 got to do with it? If anything, this example supports my points more - the 海豚 can enjoy the freedom within the limtiation provided by nature (for exampel), if a 海豚 is born disabled, for example, it cannot enjoy the freedom at all - again somewhere along the line, we all live within certain limitations and our "freedom" can only be within the limitations.

[AHA] exactly, 國家法律與規矩 = 束縛; 群體生活模式不是生存的必要條件, agree. Living alone like 魯賓遜 removes some of the limitations that 群體生活 automatically impose upon him (when living alone, he had to pay a price on other things though).

[AHA] that may be what you want from 民主; but is it everyone's want?
Should EVERY ONE 享有最大個體自由的條件下有公平的參與政治決策的權利? Is this necessary a good thing for all? What if a large portion of the 個體 have no idea about the agenga? Have no idea about what are really good for the society? We still want EVERY ONE to have a equal say/vote?

[AHA] in theory, may be. In practise, just look who is the HKSAR CEO and how he got there, rightly or wrongly, in a real world, there are rules and regualtions, schemes and programs; play the games right and you may have the rights.
And every one interact within a society, what you want might cause harm or damage to other; your need for 民主 may not be what I want, do I not have the rights to go against your "民主"?

[AHA] Sorry, I do not understand what you are saying above.

[AHA] I am simply describing the real world as I see it and you may well be talking much about theories, please tell me what I said is 誤導言論, thank you.
I have had my response above.

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留言人: AHA to abc
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 8:33:00 PM

[AHA] very good point, bull's eye !!

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 8:13:00 PM

留言人: 一教友
主題: a tale of two cities
留言日期: 1/8/2006 14:22:00

一教友, please get real; are we talking about the theory or are we talking about the rela world we live in!? If interested, please see my comment to each of your points below:

City no.1 Hong Kong
City no.2 Guangzhou
Rules and Regulations:
City no.1 >> No children under the age of 16 allowed to work without the approval of school authority.
City no.2 >> no such rule.
[AHA] Are you telling me that there is no under 16 working in HK at all? I doubt it. Granted that more under age kids working in City 2 than in City 1, very much becasue of NEEDS. I don't know how old you are, but a lot of underaged HK kids worked some 30 years or so ago - there was more NEEDS. It is about survival than rules.

city no.1>> pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the street when the pedestrian traffic light is red.
city no.2 >>no such rule.
[AHA] Don't really get your point, lots of HK peopel J-walk every day all over the place (especilaly when there is no police watching). Okay, more peopel broke the rule in City 2; but likely becasue HK people a a little more sensible and they value their lives more. Also, People in City 2 might get to their destinations quicker!!

City no.1 >>>dangerous drugs are
not allowed to be sold without physcian's order.
city no.2>>any drugs can be bought.
[AHA] Are you kidding? In Hong Kong; just show me your money; what drugs do you want?

city no.1 >>any foodstuff has to be free of harmful chemicals
city no.2 >>you are on you own and pray nothing is going to harm you.
[AHA] I am losing my patience answering your questions here; what is your point!? Quite a lot of food stuff in Hong Kong are brought in from China anyway. You really think you are free from all harms eating food stuff in HK? Don't kid yourself. Okay, it may be safer in HK but what do we know?

city no.1>> human organs or tissues can not be transplanted or sold without the acknowledgement and approval of the owner or his /her blood relatives.
city no.2>> profit is the main motive.
[AHA] So people from City 1 go to City 2 to get whatever organs they need ... what is your point?
Some people in City 2 get the much needed money selling their organs to feed their families - saving a few lives in doing so. Again, a game of survival!

city no.1>> all intellectual properties are strictly enforced.
city no.2>> only when a foreigner president came for a visit.
[AHA] who is talking here? Is City 1 Japan? My friend, I happen to work in the industry so I know you don't know what you are talking about on this point. Go to Mong Kok, and see how many Gwei Los buying fakes goods and entertainement products.

city no.1>> littering or spitting are fined heavily
city no.2>> see who can spit the farthest.
[AHA] so fining people is the answer? even death penalties cannot stop serious crimes ...

city no.1>> law against cosmetic surgery without doctor's license.
city no.2>> when there is money to be made your health is not my concern
[AHA] you really believe the HK medical people are flawless? Have you not met a crooked doctor wearing a gold Rolex? Again, plenty people want certain treatments, if they don't get it in City 1 (because of the laws), they just get a train ticket and head North - which City is really better?

From your false premises you may think city no.1 has less freedom than city no.2.
[AHA] I am afraid I failed to see what you are trying to say at all. We all live in an environment where there are limitations (such as laws); freedom is all relative and if you try to compare freedom on various scenarios and using the results to decide which city is better; then I think you are wasting your time. Also, freedom can be subjective to different people; freedom to you might be limitation to me ...

At the end of the day, I maintain that we should make the best out of what the society we are living in - it is all about survival; beat it if you can (bitching, I am afraid, often won't do); if yo ucannot beat it, join it!

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留言人: abc
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 4:13:00 PM


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留言人: abc
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/1/2006 4:03:00 PM


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 3:01:00 PM








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留言人: 一教友
主題: a tale of two cities
留言日期: 8/1/2006 2:22:00 PM

City no.1 Hong Kong
City no.2 Guangzhou
Rules and Regulations:
City no.1 >> No children under the age of 16 allowed to work without the approval of school authority. City no.2 >> no such rule. y city no.1>> pedestrians are prohibited from crossing the street when the pedestrian traffic light is red. city no.2 >>no such rule.
City no.1 >>>dangerous drugs are
not allowed to be sold without physcian's order.
city no.2>>any drugs can be bought.
city no.1 >>any foodstuff has to be free of harmful chemicals
city no.2 >>you are on you own and pray nothing is going to harm you.
city no.1>> human organs or tissues can not be transplanted or sold without the acknowledgement and approval of the owner or his /her blood relatives.
city no.2>> profit is the main motive.
city no.1>> all intellectual properties are strictly enforced.
city no.2>> only when a foreigner president came for a visit.
city no.1>> littering or spitting are fined heavily
city no.2>> see who can spit the farthest.
city no.1>> law against cosmetic surgery without doctor's license.
city no.2>> when there is money to be made your health is not my concern
From your false premises you may think city no.1 has less freedom than city no.2.

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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/1/2006 1:08:00 AM


實相非相﹐ 何解 ﹖ 願聞其詳 。

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留言人: abc
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 8/1/2006 12:46:00 AM


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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 11:46:00 PM


多做多得 ﹐ 少做多失。 阿彌陀佛﹐ 善哉 ﹐ 善哉 。

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 7:08:00 PM


Freedom is a human basic right regardless...ONLY when you are given the freedom!! In this real world, there is no total freedom, we are all bound by the rules and regulations of a society (which ever society you happen to be in) ... some are more lucky and some are not ...

my question is; how much freedom should one get? There is always more freedom you can ask for; what is the balance and who decides the balance?

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留言人: abc
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 4:39:00 PM


How about you?

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留言人: 一教友
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 1:10:00 PM

After reading the following news I wonder if anyone of us can still think the phrase "can't stand the heat, get out of kitchen"is a rational argument for the citizens of mainland.Our poor citizens can't even get out of the kitchen( the mainland) to travel to Hong Kong (a part of China) for the youth festival. The freedom we all enjoy outside the mainland is very precious and hope someday in the future no goverment can take it away from us.
Freedom is a human basic right regardless whelter you are poor rich or have any religious belief.
內地教友來港 填報旅遊亦被截
亞洲青年節 約一半人能到港 2006年7月31日

【明報專訊】來自越南、泰國、印尼等25個國家的天主教徒,昨日齊集沙田馬場,參加第4屆亞洲青年節開幕禮。香港教區表示,原安排 70名內地教徒來港,但最終只有約一半人參加活動,神職人員亦只有3、4名。有來自內地的教徒表示,部分教友即使填報來港旅遊,亦被內地政府察覺,不獲批准出境。






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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 4:11:00 AM

口說好話、心想好意、身行好事﹐ 好人也 。

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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 4:06:00 AM

惡言不出于口 ﹐ 善哉 ﹐ 善哉 。

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留言人: 911
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 3:50:00 AM


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留言人: 510
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/31/2006 12:01:00 AM


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留言人: 弘一大師
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/30/2006 10:20:00 PM


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留言人: 416
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/30/2006 1:10:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:對漢奸和賣國賊的澄清
留言日期: 7/30/2006 12:48:00 PM

Haha, big mirror, small mirror ... here we see a classic example of a mini society where it is so difficult for "people" just come to some sort of agreement ... this is probably 政治 at its worst ...

「走狗」to you might be hero to others, 彭定康 was called a 「走狗」to some but he is also a honorable memebr of the British circles. And what is the definition of 「走狗」? Is Tat at the same level of 彭定康 ? It just gets more and more complicated...is it really possible to define and argue whether 彭定康 or Tat is a 「走狗」or not? Do we take a vote and if most people vote for or against the issue, then we would have an answer?

Everyone should be allowed to express his/her view, and eveyone might well have a different view; particularly on controversial matters; matters that impact people differently.

My point is, and the same point I have been maintaining all along, is that all 政治 theories are fine but when implemented by PEOPLE in this real world; then we WILL have a problem. There is simply no perfect answer, every system has its flaws.

The answer for me is simply to go with the flow and to manage the best out of whatever society I happen to be living in. It really doesn't matter that much to me.

I enjoy walking the dog peacefully every night ... and I think the term 「走狗」is a little harsh for the dogs; what have the dogs done to deserve to be branded such a negative name?

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留言人: 黎克
主題: 對漢奸和賣國賊的澄清
留言日期: 7/30/2006 10:07:00 AM

現在卻又出現一個小小的謬誤 --------
黃家寶校友說:「因我一句話,又引起各校友對阿Tat進行新一輪批評,除培聖人外,近日各校友分別薔L漢奸,賣國賊•••」 。

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留言人: 黎克
主題: 對澄清
留言日期: 7/30/2006 10:03:00 AM

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留言人: 路人丙
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/29/2006 10:11:00 PM


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留言人: 黃家寶
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/29/2006 8:32:00 PM




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留言人: 香港人
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/28/2006 1:31:00 PM


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留言人: 818
主題: re:明德新民
留言日期: 7/28/2006 12:53:00 PM



轉貼﹕ 聯 合 書 院 校訓

儒家的精神是肯定每個人本來具有光明的德性,具有成就偉大人格的可能性和可塑性。而 通過教育則可以發掘、體認、提昇、光大學子本來具在的「明德」,成就偉大的人格。
在儒家的理想,偉大人格的成就並不止於個人的修養和一己的通識博知,而在推己及人, 關心、教育和改革社會。這便是「新民」的意思。

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留言人: 梁定國
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/28/2006 12:05:00 PM


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/28/2006 11:36:00 AM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/27/2006 11:34:00 PM

Somehow I can understand 忘言's comment more than some others; and hence what was said makes more sense to me than some others.

I feel less stupid already ...

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留言人: 阿彌陀佛
主題: re:善哉 善哉
留言日期: 7/27/2006 11:20:00 PM

笑古笑今笑東笑西笑南笑北笑來笑去 笑自己最無知識
觀事觀物觀天觀地觀日觀月觀來觀去 觀他人總有高低

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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/27/2006 6:29:00 PM


「I respect people more when they do something more constructive to making things better for the country/world...putting words into good action always speak louder ... 」AHA兄這番留言沒什麼不當﹖值得受到「0甘你呢﹖」的回駁嗎﹖你會不會說我事不關己而多言呢﹖

「循環論證的謬誤(The fallacy of circular reasoning)」,你拋書袋的用意何在﹖我說一句「『0甘你呢﹖』好一句小孩子的辯駁﹗」或者真的把你這個小孩子的神經線觸動起來吧﹖又或者讓人看到又可以有拋書袋的機會吧﹖


「循環論證的謬誤(The fallacy of circular reasoning)」這些詞語,對我們這些學歷不高的來說﹐不過是「語障」。那你就拿去信報WSJ跟人辨證吧。信報老總我認識多年了。十幾年前﹐有個外國朋友送我一半書﹐書名叫Common Sense。那是有關知識和學習的。




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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/27/2006 5:28:00 PM



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留言人: Tat
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/27/2006 5:20:00 AM



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留言人: 公正廉明
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/27/2006 12:29:00 AM







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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 11:31:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 9:34:00 PM

留言人: 公正廉明
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 26/7/2006 13:59:00


That's the whole point, is the objective of the discussion here about 辨清一項道理, 弄清歷史真相和意義 on the subject? If so, will we really ever get to a conclusion?

There are two opposite views here and would it really ever come to the "truth"? This is not about logical reasoning ... this is not black or white ... can we clearly nail down what is right or wrong? We can forever put forward whatever books and quotes and I can see that it is like a circle; forever going round.
My position is simple, live and let live ... we all come here to do whatever that pleases us, if we are bored or whatever, then we can go off whenever we want ... anyone can think of or call me whatever you want; it doesn't really matter and there is really no harm done and no hard feelings for me .. at the end of the day, smart or not, each of us has his own life to live ... no matter, I am always non the wiser ... I care a little more about being happy than being wiser... I know what I want for my life...and all in all, discussion controversial subject give me fun during the discussion and not necesary the truth ... I know what I want, do you?

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主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 9:17:00 PM


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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 5:33:00 PM


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 5:11:00 PM


剛才有勞你示範了什麽叫循環論證的謬誤(The fallacy of circular reasoning),謝謝!

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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 5:10:00 PM


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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 5:02:00 PM

留言人: 426
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 26/7/2006 12:19:00

How about you

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 26/7/2006 8:15:00

I respect people more when they do something more constructive to making things better for the country/world...putting words into good action always speak louder ...


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 4:46:00 PM




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留言人: 忘言
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 3:03:00 PM

"0甘你呢﹖" 好一句小孩子的辯駁﹗

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留言人: 公正廉明
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 1:59:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 12:29:00 PM

Do as I say not as I do ...

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留言人: 426
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 12:19:00 PM

How about you

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 8:15:00 AM

I respect people more when they do something more constructive to making things better for the country/world...putting words into good action always speak louder ...

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留言人: 818
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/26/2006 6:32:00 AM

愛之深﹐ 當如我們的陳昌立老師與中國燭光教育基金﹐ 或如我們的校友李德仁教授參與的中大小扁擔勵學行動﹐ 多做些實際的工作。


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留言人: 中港臺
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/25/2006 6:29:00 AM



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留言人: 勞動人民
主題: re:公民教育與政治
留言日期: 7/24/2006 7:10:00 PM




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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:公民教育標語
留言日期: 7/24/2006 6:20:00 PM


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留言人: one bell boy
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/24/2006 1:32:00 PM


你可以说我麻木不仁 但是现在的整个中国社会又有多少廉耻存在。 (博讯boxun.com)









  向别人扔石头,最好先反省一下自己。 (博讯boxun.co

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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/24/2006 3:17:00 AM


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留言人: 毛澤東
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 11:03:00 PM



今天? 中國人? Where do you live? alone; in a black hole, with no TV or radio? This is not a China problem, this is a human nature problem ... bring back Hitler!!!

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 10:55:00 PM

Thanks 黎克兄,

A 400 page book would explain it all to me?
That's amazing ... will find time to read this book ...and see ...

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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 10:28:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 9:00:00 PM

過去的知命守義的美德被中共洗劫一空, I see two flaws in the above statement:

過去的知命守義的美德 - I am not convinced that 過去 we had 知命守義的美德 - which era are you referring to?

被中共洗劫一空 - is 中共 the party solely to be blamed? What do you mean by 中共 here? 中共 is more of a sumbolic entity, do you mean the members? China leaders? before or actually Chairman Mao, the gang of four, or more recent China leaders? Are they really 中共 or are they all dressed up as 中共 (so as to gain power)?

The real question is, is China better or worse comparing to 50 years ago? If so, why? if not, why? And how do we define better?
Would we say China is better if she has maintained or done better in 知命守義的美德 yet as poor as North Korea? We want everything, don't we? but if we really have to choose, what do we really want?

I vote for economic growth and advancement; better living standards for the people (even though in reality, only for some and not all); some if not all people can have better quality food; better working and family life etc etc. even if we have to compromise and accept still a few poor souls doing the private business in the street when mother nature calls. In time and given half a chance (when the living standards get improved and wider spread), smaller problems would get solved, no doubt.

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 8:41:00 PM

All along, I maintain a view that the various sins and 'crimes" are more than just issues that existed in China and ask the reader to consider take the issues at a higher level - i.e. sins and crimes in very much human nature; regardless of race, nationality or gender. it is a complicated subject I am sure but not necesarily difficult to understand.

I do not believe 假食物,假藥,假奶粉 are unique to just China, we all know as a fact that other countries have similar problems too. I hope we can not here to categorise 假食物,假藥,假奶粉 are not acceptable whereas countries in the business of similar or other fake stuff are acceptable.
We should no condone any sins and crimes and my comment all alone it NOT intended to suggest 臭蟲論; as Tat has kindly labeled me. Read my comment again and you would not find me saying other people have 臭蟲; then it is okay for China to have 臭蟲 - hence I fail to understand why my comment is 臭蟲論. But it doesn't matter.

I simply question the logic of "why do we expect China to be better than what it is now?" and "why should China be expected to be, in some areas, as good as or may be even better than that of the developed countries?"
Why is it so unacceptable for Chinese to piss in the street nowadays? Just because we had civilisation ahead of others that we have to remain ahead of the others?
China suffered various problems for years and China have fallen behind; okay, as a China, this is not something I would wish for but do we sit on the fience and condemn China - would that help to make things better. I quoted examples using father and son; and somehow Tat didn't seem to find such example relevant to the subject. Well, I can apply the same to any other 'relationships" (such as, boss and staff, teacher and student ....etc etc) because my point is that being negative and complain is simply not the best way and often it is counterproductive. I simply do not support, negative and ineffective means to deal with an issue.
And the fundamental is to look at the root of the problem. Yes, China has its problems (other countries have their problems too); all sorts of problems. Rightly or wrongly, we have to count on our "leaders' and hope that they would lead the country to betterment. Everyone has the rights to pass judgement but I believe negative, uncontrcutive or impractical noises is nothing other than just noises; what good are noises to the people?

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留言人: 426
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 5:36:00 PM


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留言人: 土共
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 5:10:00 PM


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 5:09:00 PM


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 4:18:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 4:06:00 PM

1. I am not 土共, whatever 土共 means. When one starts to name names in an argument, it usually means only one thing.

2. "can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen ...' is one practical suggestion. to me, it is more constructive than to yep on meaninglessly. I also suggested start a revolution but you need meaningful agenda to rally the support of the masses. If HK/China is SO bad, I am sure it would get over-turned "easily. This is a modern world and around the world, the power of people has shown us that any critically wrong/bad system would not last.
you have every rights to scream and kick; complaining as much as you want; I doubt you would get anywhere forward; we have seen so many such "freedom fighters" around us in HK and anywhere else but I wish you luck. Would you stand by your conviction and reject wherever rewards that are offered to you? I have seen plenty who would take a U-turn in no time upon self-gain. I wonder how different you are.

3. I will let other readers to judge whther your 批評中國苛克或冇建設性. I wonder what you would think if your children would come to you and ask for the "freedom" that you truly believe is not good for them (e.g. when your little girl reached 16 and wanted to have sex for fun ... when she reached 18, with limited education and no job but they want to get married and have babies with someone who is no good-so-and-so...they are old enough and have every right and freedom to do those things, right?) would you still respect their "freedom" and give them your blessing? Would you rather not they don't have such "freedom" - ask for you think and not necesarily what you do...
I seriously believe you do not have any children of your own anyway.

4. Lastly, it may be true that 沒有基本知識是很難討論下去的. Quoting a few reference books on a subject may mean the writer knows and remembers some book names but does not necesarily mean anything more. But I know without common sense; it is definitly impossible.

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 3:43:00 PM

Thanks for your comment and patience and not-so-much I-know-everything-but-you-don't fatherly speak. Good on you.

I might think and see things differently (may be so different that I am th eonly one but I am not here to argue for the sake of arguing; i simply look at life; with my limited knowledge and expereience in a way that make sense for us.

I hear what you are saying about the differences between 中共與其他自由民主社會.

To me, it is, by in large the same in 中共與其他自由民主社會, all have a 統治集團 (even so-called 民主社會 like the US and UK, for example)
Call it what you may, a government, governing party etc etc... is a 統治集團, a 統治集團 assume power; either given to it or otherwise.

The examples you quoted (i.e. 全國是穿同樣顏色的衣服的,不是綠色軍裝,就是藍色布衣...) may be examples of 民主社會 (freedom of choice) but to me, I couldn't care less if I live in a society where there is just one uniform dress code.

There are various limitations in a society and all people living in the society have to obet certian laws. Life is filled with rules and laws and perhaps restrictions; regardless what the country and polictical flavour. I agree some countries have more freedom than others - but I am not entirely sure if 民主社會 really is the perfect answer; or the solution.
There are flaws in every system (as I have commented before, 民主社會 in theory and in practice could be totally different); and everyone has different values in life and even with a 民主社會; someone would benefit more from the 民主社會 than others (I do not believe in a a perfect world or society).

Like religion, another subject that I do not know enough about; it is all down whether you belive or not believe. And likely that believers's conviction is likely to be based on self-gain in such system (I cannot belive anyone would have conviction in a system that makes them "suffer" for nothing at all, if there are such people, likely that the system is a cult of some form). all the same, I am not sure I can accept people come and tell me that Jesus is the only God and that Budha is no good or the other way round - I don't believe in either but I am totally sceptical that one region is best of all and more importantly, the person who preach to me really knows and have all the answers. Politics and regiona, to me, probably have all the good answers in theory, but like everything esle, once human beings are involved - it can and usually does, become subjective and somehow has a different meaning.

I do not knock 民主社會; I do not knock 共產社會 either. I would do my best for me and my family whichever 社會 (民主, 共產 or otherwise). If I do not live a comfortable life in the society I am living in, I will look for ways to change; worse comes to the worst, I move on - all I want is a simple life; and in any society, I accept the goods and bads, to an acceptbale degree, I would compromise whenever I have to and it works for me so far...

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 3:38:00 PM


你的回應十足土共,非常可愛,以下一句十分經典,一定要用來分析欣賞:"If you don't like it,leave......” 胡應湘,曾憲梓,鄔維庸之流都對爭取普選團體講過”唔鍾意可以走”等類似說話。香港是香港人的,走???,真似笑話!



2.你覺得我批評中國苛克或冇建設性,真係連小小理解力都有問題,所謂批評者,一定係唔好聽或有破壞性,難道看見中國同胞在戲院內吸煙還要讚賞他們?唔鍾意受批評就改,唔係俾藉口自已,講什麽”When people do not have enough to eat and their living standard is at rock bottom, the standard of 禮儀 will go down.”或者說外國白人都有類似惡行,你真好意思話自己唔係臭蟲論!


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 2:52:00 PM



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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 1:20:00 PM


Ah, my point is not 臭蟲論,all I am trying to say is that there is 臭蟲 everywhere and we probably would never get rid of ALL the 臭蟲; everything is relative and sure we should work to improve but we must be relaistic and take into consideration the historical and polictical development of China, the limitations and constraints that get in the way of China's progress we all would like to see. There are a lot of things that would need to be done to continue to improve in China; but China have improved a lot and it was not easy at all.
You are a like an unreasonbale parent to me; never praise about the achievements but always critise (and only critise) the flaws; and that I am afraid, I cannot agree.

Also euthopia doesn't exist and China has the biggest population in the world. There are plenty more real issues and higher prioities than teaching everyone some of the basic manners. When people do not have enough to eat and their living standard is at rock bottom, the standard of 禮儀 will go down. Who wants 臭蟲 in th house? but when infested with lots of 臭蟲; you would be happy to rid of some of the 臭蟲 (an improvement) and surely it would be smart to focus on killing the most dangerous and damaging 臭蟲 first? While the pest controller is working on killing the undesirable 臭蟲; you have noises from all directions; complaining about less damaging 臭蟲; is that really helping?

We should move forward and make improvements, but one step at a time and it would help more if there are less (no-so-constructive) noises.

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 12:59:00 PM

他說中國人自稱是禮儀之邦 - with no disrespect, but who is he? What authority does he have to making such claim, and then 鬧中國人 when some 中國人 stepped out of line (I keep maintaining that there are people stepping out of line in EVERY COUNTRY ? What so harsh to just China/Chinese people, when other nations are just as bad? So he is the the script writer, director, and the actor?

What is the point of just going around 鬧中國人? Go to Monk Kok at night and you will see some people making claims about this and that, complaining about who and who (particularly the HKSAR government); but most passer-bys would not give them more than a few seconds worth of thought; some might even think they are just craszy people; someone having problems with the society. If you don't like it, leave; or start a revolution or something; and see to that you get masses to give you support and then get changed things changed - if things are so wrong, people suffer so much; then mass public will support and change must come, right?

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留言人: Hong
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 12:04:00 PM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 9:58:00 AM


I will make time to read this.

Why assume time makes things better? Why assume everything should work out the way it should be? Everything changes, for better or for worse.
五千年道德文化, what deos that mean, time means improvements/ betterment? Just because it is older means it is better?
China, being one of the oldest civilisation, must be better than everyone else? It is not, and why can you not accept it? So every one must get better with time? what kind of logic is that. You can not accept of deal with failures/mishaps?
Don't get me wrong, I do wish China is better all round and be a strong leading country in this world. It is a pity (rather than a shame) that it isn't.

I understand what you are saying but is this the only way to treat/talk about someone you love and care about? I am afraid I do not agree; it is too negative, it seems to be typical of some Hong Kong elements, always criticise and complain about this and that; so negtaive and none too constructive. I would not treat my children; ones I love; or anyone for that matter this way at all, I am afraid it is just too negative and old fashion. Imagine being treated like this yourself, would you like it?

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留言人: 隨風
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 8:38:00 AM

老 Tat, 很不錯又見你于此發功,中國掛名的那五千多年倫理道德,只適用于那帝王式統治模型,一個地方在教育不普遍與被統治權力用愚民政策相管齊下,及只會集訓小數的所謂"精英"之同時,"普通"大眾還會在乎什麼禮義廉恥?只要搵到錢飽兩餐就行,Tat 最能道出中懇真言,你看大部份香港地的人是不是跟這話題所說的也差不多?

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留言人: steve(70)
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 7:28:00 AM

I can not help but laugh at some of us defending the civic duty and morality of our countrymen. One can not escape the daily bombarbments of newspaper or tv news concerning the uncivilized
acts of our contrymen hurting the welfare of the public health by importing unsanitary produces (vegetables or seafoods laced with carcinogenic chemicals). Just in today's news a factory in Canton making chicken feets for the local restaurants found to be in serious health violation. For the sake of making money some of them are totally disregarding the public safety.Take the case of baby formular-who would want to jeopardize our future generations by producing fake baby food? In other to get
rich quickly some of the young girls would sell their bodies without considering morality. Granted it happens everywhere too but the scale of it is unprecedent in major or small cities or villeges in China. To get rich is glory but to behave civilized is more important to me. What do you think?

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 1:20:00 AM




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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 1:04:00 AM


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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 12:55:00 AM

I cannot agree to seeing one person (or just a few more people) to conclude a country's 公民質素, if so, no country will pass the test. I have personally seen White people doing exactly what Miss Chan described; can I say the same about white people, that their 公民質素 is bad?

Why should we be so unforgiving to China and her people? Is the US or European countries so much better? I don't know how 公民質素 is truely defined and I don't know what is acceptable 公民質素. What do we expect China and her people to be do so much better in 公民質素 NOW?

Due to various reasons, China should still be a devloping country and why can we not give it time to improve? I don't understand why we should be so critical. Also, is Hong Kong people's 公民質素 that much better?

I just do not understand.

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/23/2006 12:25:00 AM

“I have seen white men / women peeing and more in the streets” 又係臭蟲論,中國人被魯迅罵了八十年仍未長大。

你真係唔識回應問題,批評一個人或一個民族,只要論點成立便可,你要再看Miss Chan的原文,如果她指控屬實的話,根本無須理會其他因素,你連”it represents just a small percentage”都講得出,簡直思想混亂。况且今天大陸的公民質素低是否small percentage?

還有“sometimes some things take time”你要記住中國一向自稱是禮儀之邦,take什麽time?

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留言人: AHA
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/22/2006 12:29:00 PM

Aiya, how can this be ... you see one or two people did silly things and you say the Govenrment is no good, the education system is no good and ALL the people are no good ... how can you do that...

There is a always a bad apple or two on a tree.. condidering the large population in China ... it represents just a small percentage ...
also, stop asking everything from the Government ... China is doing much it can ... sometimes some things take time ... look how many years it has taken for human beings to turn into more civilized from monkeys ...

also, even developed countries have bad people, I have seen white men / women peeing and more in the streets ... stop complaining about China and the Chinese, please !!!

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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/22/2006 10:47:00 AM


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留言人: Hong
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/21/2006 10:36:00 PM


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留言人: 培聖人
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/21/2006 2:02:00 PM


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留言人: keith Chan
主題: re:大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/20/2006 1:02:00 AM

Miss Chan


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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: 大陸的公民教育怎麼搞?
留言日期: 7/19/2006 11:59:00 PM

Miss Chan

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