| | 留言人: 黎克 主題: re: soccer uniforms 留言日期: 5/24/2006 10:42:00 PM
Gary, It's fine to say Hello for me to both Biniki girls and brother Raymond. Thanks. ALOHA! Lai Hak
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re: soccer uniforms 留言日期: 5/24/2006 7:17:00 AM
Lai Hak, Good to hear from you. Simon just emailed me an hour earlier asking if I am able to do the distribution of the soccer uniforms. No matter how, we will take care the this. It is nice to see our PS boys are so devoted. I am go to Hawaii this week end for a week and you want me to say hi to them?
Gary Leung '70 Sacramento California
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留言人: 黎克 主題: re: 草裙舞 留言日期: 5/23/2006 8:51:00 AM
Hi Gary, I’m old enough to know this song, especially accompanied with sunshine, beach & bikini to introduce this song in TV. We had a saying in Pui Shing old days to describe the swing level of 草裙舞 “From 筲箕灣 to 上環”. Did Simon call you? He returned to State last Friday. Please help to handle ourTeam Shirt. Have a nice day. Lai HaK
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re: 草裙舞 留言日期: 5/23/2006 7:17:00 AM
黎克, I am unable to dance 草裙舞, however I do enjoy watching it. Hey, where you Hongkongers learn that song? It seems you guys watch a lots of US tv shows. Is it not? What a small world. Gary Leung '70 Sacramento California
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/23/2006 4:48:00 AM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/21/2006 8:19:00 PM
李兄弟: 我相信是梁嘉明會長他的精美傑作, 我們的請求, 他一定幫忙. 喔! 忘了他將會穿十號球衣的. 聯新上
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/21/2006 5:24:00 PM
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/21/2006 5:11:00 AM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/20/2006 9:31:00 AM
李兄弟, 真是求之不得.我第一個讚成. 希望曄社的松川兄, 周西兄, 也能擺個正甫士, 讓我們重溫四十多年的舊夢, 你們記得宣道小學沙地踢個你死我活的往事嗎? 但沒有相片留念是嗎? 這是一個大好機會啊! 李兄弟, 在此有一請求. 將我們曄社三人放在一起可以嗎? 拜託! 拜託!
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: 培聖校友會球衣世界大合照 留言日期: 5/20/2006 2:18:00 AM
Hi Gary兄,
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留言人: 黎克 主題: re: 草裙舞 留言日期: 5/19/2006 7:36:00 PM
Hi Gary, Just vote a song for your trip. "Itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot Bikini" Can you dance 草裙舞 with heavy hip shaking.
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re: Hawaii 留言日期: 5/19/2006 8:08:00 AM
Hello Gary and許永輝, It’s nice to hear both of you from American West. My family and I are doing quite well. Thank you! Mr. Leung Yuk Chuen is coming to Canada visiting Vancouver on August 8th and Toronto on August 14th respectively. Are you guys planning a trip to Vancouver to join Canada West PS Alumni for a welcome party when Mr. Leung comes? I am going to take 3 weeks off during August. The week of August 14th will be reserved for Mr. Leung and hope that he feels like being at home in Toronto and have a good time. My nephew has moved back to Utah a year ago. The living standard was so high over there so he decided to leave Hawaii for good. Gary,I think Raymond‘s idea is great and you should ask him to lend you the Pui-Shing soccer jersey. Try to wear it at all time when you are watching the BIKINI GIRLS on the beach. There’s a chance that a Chinese bikini girl may approach you and will tell you she is PS Alumni. Cheers! Mike Chan(67)
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re: Hawaii 留言日期: 5/19/2006 5:34:00 AM
Edward Li, Appreciated your advise, I think everybody loves that paradise. I have been there twice only, the first time was my honeymoon it was in the late '70 and the second was our family reunion at Maui in '92. You know what I like most at Hawaii, not the sunsine, not the beach,( California has them all) not the roast-pig, not the pineapple, it is the BIKINI GIRLS. Have fun.
Gary Leung'70 Sacramento, California
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留言人: Edward Li 主題: re: Hawaii 留言日期: 5/18/2006 9:34:00 AM
Gary, I went to Honululu few time between 1989-1995 staying in Outrigger Hotels with 50% discount rate sharing with the friend. We rented car for 2 days seeing cornfield, pineapple farm, Pearl Harour,snorkering and spent one day shopping,1/2 day polynesian culture village. You can get tour information brochures with discount coupons every where. Taking buffer breakfast is must because it includes all juices,cereal,egg & ham, muffin,pineapple and papaya and also bring back macadamia nuts. Every time, going there are very relaxing and enjoyable.
You will have a wonderful time if you love the beach and the sun. Enjoy your trip.
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留言人: 李 偉 強 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/18/2006 9:32:00 AM
我 都 是 同 一 句" 抱歉",除 了 貼上校章到處碰碰奇蹟,也 可 以 把 校 歌 上 載 作 電 話 鈴 聲 ﹐ 如 果 有 夏威夷校友聽 到 就 會 歸 隊 成 為 第 一 個 ALOHA校友喇 。
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留言人: 校友會 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/18/2006 8:59:00 AM
Gary, 很抱歉不能即時回覆你,經查證登記校友資料,找不到有夏威夷住的。或許你貼上校章到處碰碰奇蹟,若找到夏威夷校友,這平台會更加熱情澎湃!R!R!R! Have a nice trip. 校友會
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/18/2006 6:52:00 AM
許永輝 Thank for the input. We hate to see any of our Puishing boy left behind and I want to put them back into the picture. Have a nice day. Gary Leung Sacramento. California
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留言人: 許永輝 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/18/2006 12:39:00 AM
Hi Gary,
I used to be there in the '80s. I'd never met or heard of any Pui-Shing Alumni. I hope thing changes in these 20 years.
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/17/2006 11:07:00 PM
Mike Chan, Thank for the quick response. I still hope Raymond and 梁嘉明 will have some thoughts. How is your family and work? Are you gona take some time off this summer?
Gary Leung Sacramento California
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/17/2006 12:11:00 PM
Hi Gary, Sorry! I’ve never heard anyone (PSOF) living in Hawaii since I began surfing this Web site. I hope Raymond and 梁嘉明 are able to help you? BTW, I got a nephew who lives in Hawaii for some time, but I have to check with my sister tomorrow to see if he still lives there. Have a nice trip to Sunny Hawaii! Mike Chan(67)
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: Alumni in Hawaii 留言日期: 5/17/2006 11:32:00 AM
Raymond,陳聯新 and 梁嘉明, Hey guys,i need you help. Is there any alumni in Hawaii at this moment? I am going there very soon and like to meet them. Please help. Keep up the good word.
Gary Leung Sacramento, Ca
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