| | 留言人: 701 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/5/2006 2:48:00 AM
更正﹕methodology 唉﹗老佐﹐成日寫錯講錯﹗
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留言人: 701 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/5/2006 2:40:00 AM
Hi﹐Keith, 有個大陸朋友﹐幾年前也是到Strathclyde﹐ FT 搞research methology﹐才剛拿了博士回國。她說﹐invitation letter 應該要署名的。 我對 ‘問題設計’很感興趣﹐這也是兩個禮拜前在這裡玩‘無毛雞’ 猜謎的原因。我也看過你問卷的問題﹐可惜我不是你研究的合適sample﹐愛莫能助。 祝你研究順利﹐早日拿到學位。
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留言人: Keith Chan 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/5/2006 1:17:00 AM
首先多謝賜教, 同時701兄應閱覽了問卷
在covering letter 本人已介紹我是學生亦表明所收集之資料祗會作學術用途並將會保密
如閣下或任何友好願意提供數據, 請填妥後電郵回本人, 在此先表謝意
Keith Chan karis300@yahoo.com.hk
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留言人: 701 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 11:42:00 PM
Hi Keith,
您在introduction 裡面說明了研究目的﹐做得正確。
問卷有問取respondant的名字和公司名字﹐但是﹐反要令到填寫者對研究者身份生疑﹖這就反映研究方法須要改善。公眾沒有責任提供資料﹐作為校友可以盡義務﹐而研究員本身是有責任向他任何一個subject介紹自己的。關於這方面﹐一般討論研究的書籍都會提及research and ethics的問題。
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 11:28:00 PM
To Keith Did I ever say I did not want to help you? I merely mentioned that I wanted to know more about you. I was very curious why out of the blue someone would ask us to do something without introducing himself more. You don't have to be ashamed yourself by revealing who you are especially you are also from PS. It is only a matter of courtesy. That's all. My friend. Best luck to your assignment. B.R. Steve
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留言人: 1 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 11:06:00 PM
It seems Keith is a very incheteresting guy.
I also find it interseting that some people would bring 耶穌 into play like bringing in 社團 brothers ... to add weight petrhaps, so easily...
There are different ways to ask for help, I learn a new way today and let see if and how this work good ...
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留言人: Keith Chan 主題: ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 10:26:00 PM
Is it really important to count I graduated from Pui Shing Middle school or not?
I think you are too petty.
耶穌曾說過: 幫助你們身邊的一個兄弟, 就如幫我一樣
我反思steve(70)兄是否我們培聖人, 正如梁政元老師說"一"
Keith Chan (陳國強 76-81)
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留言人: K 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 10:06:00 PM
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/4/2006 12:07:00 AM
Dear Keith As much as I want to help you out on your project but I want to know more about you. Are you related to Pui Shing in any fashion, such as did you graduate from PS,or a son or friend of alumni,or just a pass-by?
Best Regards
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留言人: Keith Chan 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/3/2006 10:18:00 PM
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留言人: 1 主題: re:ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/3/2006 9:01:00 PM
Dear Keith,
I wish I can help you but as I have only bought one pair of cheap slippers in China in my life time, I don't think I am an expert on the subjetc matter.
Interesting that you posted your message here on May 3 and expected replies to be submitted by May 4 ... I believe either you are an unreasonable worker or you are apalling in time management ... either way, you should learn from this and I hope you are sucessful tomorrow ...
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留言人: Keith Chan 主題: ASK FOR HELP 留言日期: 5/3/2006 10:40:00 AM
May. 2, 06
Dear Respondent,
The development of Vendor Managed Inventory in Mass Production Manufacturing Industries in China
Recently, many companies are paying a great deal of time and effort in attempting to develop supplier relationships with organizations. They may have many motives and expectations, but they have a same goal is how to gain the greatest advantages or benefits for the future. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of people are beginning to question whether the benefits expected are indeed realistic – or whether the various difficulties outweigh the gains which may arise.
This is the subject of the Dissertation which I am currently undertaking as the final part of my Master’s degree course in Procurement Management at the University of Strathclyde.
The objective of the study is to examine the attractiveness and development of Vendor Managed Inventory for organizations, - particularly those engaged in manufacturing in mass production type, - and also to gain an understanding of their supply chain management processes. Beyond that, it is my hope to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of Vendor Managed Inventory strategies and to identify what may be the main success and/or failure factors behind the implementation.
As a senior procurement executive with involvement in the Chinese market, your experience will be invaluable in assisting me to form an overall appreciation of the Chinese business environment, especially insofar as inventory management is concerned. I shall be grateful if you would answer the attached questionnaire. All the information which you are able to give me will be treated in the strictest of confidence and will be used only for the purposes of academic research.
In order to enable me to derive the greatest benefit from this survey, I shall be grateful if you will do your best to answer the questions as completely as possible and in the context of your own organization. It would be appreciated if you could complete the questionnaire and return it to me by e-mail at: karis300yahoo.com.hk on or before May 4,006
Thank you very much indeed for your assistance with my research project.
Yours sincerely,
Encl: Questionnaire
Introduction http://hk.geocities.com/keta0101/CoveringLetter001.pdf
Questionnaire in Word format http://hk.geocities.com/keta0101/Quest001.doc
Questionnaire in Excel format http://hk.geocities.com/keta0101/Quest001.xls
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