| | 留言人: Tat 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 5/2/2006 11:23:00 PM
我們當然要用稅收去幫助老弱傷殘,但只限於金錢支助,絕不可由政府直接提供服務,因為政府服務成本又貴又差,效率低到你唔信,此外,Ronald Coase教落福利政策的得益者是提供福利的官僚。你覺得福利署長得益大,還是那些孤兒寡婦得益大?
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 5/2/2006 10:19:00 PM
First of all, I do not actually support 福利主義.
Under the existing administration, I for one pay more into the society than I am getting out of the society. Therefore, I do not really benefit from a 福利主義 society.
The point I am making here is that in a society where there are shared services; the services would have to be funded and paid for. And it is inevitable that those would have (money) would have to pay for such services and those who do not have (money); even if they want to, cannot afford to pay for the shared services. As such, the "rich" will always have to subsidize the "poor" - no matter who political theory you apply to a society; I simply cannot see how you can avoid the funding of shared services...
Again, regardless if I agree to it or not, 福利主義 will always exist in a society ... the question is really on the scale of 福利主義 applied in the society.....
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留言人: 701 主題: re:超齡kidualt 留言日期: 5/2/2006 10:12:00 PM
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留言人: 701 主題: re:超齡kidualt 留言日期: 5/2/2006 10:07:00 PM
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 5/2/2006 5:25:00 PM
John Kenneth Galbraith在恩想左倾的哈佛大學任經濟系祭酒多年,是凱因斯六七十年代的代言人,在他筆下政府無所不能,政府通過高稅率,把財富再分配,人間從此成為樂土。
可惜事與願違,凱因斯和Galbraith的學說經不起時間考驗,在高稅率及福利主義摧殘下,人們工作意欲消失,百業蕭條,失業率大升,Hayek叫這現象做”The road to hell is paved with good intention.” 回看六七十年代英美與後來八十年代列根和戴卓爾夫人的經驗,便明白箇中三昧。再者,愛爾蘭只要把入息稅降至低過香港(大约13.5%左右),在短短廿年之內,由廢墟中建立起來、成為歐洲高科技中心,最具創意城市,完全無需政府幫助。最後,千萬不要忘記香港經驗。
後記: 有關John Kenneth Galbraith的學術小史,可參考今天信報林行止專欄,或Economist上期的obituary
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 5/2/2006 8:05:00 AM
Tat and Big Nose(77) Both of you represent two different camps of social and economics thinking in the world. Interestingly enough one of the influential economicists just died last week. His name is John Kenneth Galbraith, a Harvard professor and a prolific writer of many books and magazines. He represents the epitome of Keyesianism where government should help or subsidize for the poor or working class people by increasing taxation to the rich.A policy suprisingly adopted somewhat by our ex Executive Officer Mr. Tung. On the other side of the coin, we have Milton Friedman, a Noble laureate in Economics advocates free market economy where the government stays out of the policy of manipulating the supply and demand-a view shared by the US President Ronald Reagan.(Reaganomic so to speak). Does a government need to subsidize the citizens in order to increase the population? I don't know the correct answer but one thing I am sure I am not the policy maker so I won't have to make this kind of decision. subsidize
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 11:54:00 PM
Big Nose,
Great! Thanks so much your information!At the mean time I have keep contact the Tin Shui Wai Old boy's. On phone conversation, they have interesting to join on that fun date, but need further confirmation with his member.
I think that date will be very happy for all PS boy's.
I forgot to inform you the dress code. Of course you could finding the PMSAA SOCCER JERSEY on 至在bid得 (org and blue). If your want to buy can call me at anytime. I could help your to arrange that,but if your don't want to buy it. Never mind,please bright the same orange & blue two color soccer jersey. That would be easy for identify the team on pitch.
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 11:36:00 PM
forgot to answer your invite ...
I will certainly join your guys at Oxford Road on the 17th July; providing I am around ... it is a liitle far ahead and I simply cannot confirm at this point.
Also, I will try and get some other 1977 Pui Shing old boys and see if we can form a 1977 Pui Shing school team on the day (at least 3 of us 1977 Pui Shing school football team members are in close contact now ...)...
Keep in touch ...
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 11:22:00 PM
Obviously, you are entitled to your opinion. Also, politics being politics, we all have to agree that there isn't a single perfect system for everyone on this planet; I am almost certain that there are flaws in every system. Some systems are better than the other; some like it hot whereas some like it cold.
Being a "victim" to this society when I pay taxes and also pay for almost everything (education for my four sons, health care, housing etc etc) out of my own pocket; I would have no reason to object to the system you suggested as I would probably better off (at least no worse off). The point I am making here is that I simply cannot see how we can change the existing system.
Do you really believe your suggested system can work and be maintained in real life? I can see that your system would result in the rich getting more rich and the poor getting nowhere...and before long, unrest will turn into upheaval and perhaps riots ...
I rest my case.
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 11:16:00 PM
講個一個我小時侯的經歷你就明.查實小弟四歲那年患了膀肛石(對小孩來講十分少有)要開刀動手術.醫生對我媽媽說生存機會只得五成.當然最後好彩執返條命現在坐鶾q腦前同各位講!但因手術要施痲醉箹,但就有後遺症: 一要重新回到嬰孩時期重生學行! 二.對於四歲前所有的經歷m沒有(剛才描術是由我長下後媽媽覆!重要係因不知點解肚皮比人多了個巴痕追問才知). 三.就是數學智慧m冇埋,我重記得重返幼稚園笫一日,見到校長,老師非常開心歡迎我.初時唔明點解,但後來終於明白.因有一次無情情負責照顧我的老師(呀!應叫姑娘)將我同我家姐放在一齊做一個數學測試.初初是做單位數加減,再來雙位然後佰位.我比我家姐快完成以為做完.點知要計乘除我立時投降!各位m會認為係好正常(當時我都係咁諗!).但那位姑娘以非常失望的眼光對住我呀媽說:(李太你個仔的能力差鬫n多,以前加減數好快有答案.乘除識計.但現在就....!).嘩!佢呢一番的言論當時的我簡直是有無型的手壓住條頸.重人生第一次聽到"天才"呢個字眼.結果我緊係再唔係天才然鷌雃^一個不拆不扣的平凡人.但令到我日後逢上數學科m有無限壓力,甚至到中學m有呢個陰影.
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 10:55:00 PM
Thanks for remembering me, yes, I have been very busy for a little while; and unfortunately, it doesn't look like it will get any better soon.
It seems that we have mainly two groups of people in Hong Kong, those who work extra extra long hours or those who hardly work ... and a few in between.
Like it or not, this is very much the way of life and I am not sure if it will change for the better.
All I can say is, I am fine as I am better than some and not as good as the others...
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 9:43:00 PM
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 8:30:00 PM
Hi TAT兄,
Hi 大鼻兄,
Long Time no see!我諗你m係勁忙小了上來留言.
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 6:46:00 PM
回應Big Nose,我從來都支持小政府,政府應該只負責國防,外交,保安,消防等基本服務,我連教育,醫療,郵政及自由水都應該由私人承辦,那些獎勵生育的政策,我當然覺得係荒天下之大謬。
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留言人: Sam Cheng鄭森 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/28/2006 3:38:00 PM
Dear Pui-Shing Brothers,
I think this is a topic worths everyone's serious consideration. Most people probably have the assumption that other families will take up the responsibility of raising the next generation, even if "I give up" for good reasons. But the trouble is too many young families leaving this responsibility to the others, resulting in overall birth rate reduction in the society. Apart from the danger of losing our traditional culture, improper social skills development of too many single child, there is also the economic issue of too many old people relying on too few young generation in the work force to support their retirement. As responsible citizen recognising the problem, perhaps we should come up with practical ideas and put forward (via public debate forums) to the government for consideration. If all Pui-Shing alumni come out to do it then the voice may be loud enough to draw attention. Criticism without useful input is not really constructive.
Regards Sam
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/27/2006 11:47:00 PM
To Tat,
In response to your comment "最後,政府如果用公帑去獎勵生育,即等於要不生育的人津貼生育的人,我十分反對。", I have the following to say...
Like it or not, in a society, it is almost always true that those who have will give and subsidize those who haven't ... how else can you play it? E.g. the tax payers pay taxes to provide policemen to look after everyone, including those who don't pay any taxes ... same applies to hospitals ....
Like it or not, I don't think you can avoid it...sorry my friend...
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/27/2006 6:38:00 PM
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留言人: 黎克 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/27/2006 6:05:00 PM
對現代人來說生兒育女也算是終身大事,而且很多想法是較負面的,常常想虒U一什麼什麼就糟糕了!其實我選擇為人父母,沒有考慮太多,只當是人生必經的階段,但當我看到太太日漸隆起的腹部時才體會到做丈夫和父親的責任,到女兒出生後更理解父母當年眠乾睡濕的辛勞。 小人兒一天一天長大,哦哦的牙語,嘻嘻啍啍的笑聲,淒淒戚戚的號哭和抖抖簌簌的小手腳兒,每一點聲音,每一個動作,都觸動父母的心靈深處,帶給我們無限喜悅和滿足;當然那是要付出精神、體力和愛心的。及女兒週歲,夫妻倆都覺得一個夠哂數,於是悉心照顧寶貝...到公園、遊樂場、郊外....反正她就是我們宇宙的中心。 女兒七歲了,倒也精乖伶俐,成績亦不俗,但總覺世界小了一點,眼看身邊的同學朋友都是一胎政策,小孩都孤伶伶的。七年之癢發作了,終於排除萬難,達成共識再生下么兒;這下子世界大了很多,女兒樂壞了,我們也忙壞了,不過歡樂滿足一如既往.......。
2001年某週日的早上,一家四口出外吃早餐,住處大門口有一段小斜坡通往街外,大小傢伙蹦蹦跳跳的走在我們面前,左腳踏一下跳一下再換右腳踏一下跳一下,我跟太太說:「最幸福的事情就在我們眼前,無論花多少錢也買不到的!」 (我留意到小孩子開心忘形的時候都愛跳蚑騆鶢B)
有人把FAMILY拆解成: F - Father A - and M - Mother I - I L - Love Y - You
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留言人: 李潤強 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/27/2006 2:22:00 AM
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/27/2006 1:45:00 AM
再者,如果政府獎勵或增加支援育嬰的方法可增加出生率,歐美國家的出生率一早就止跌回升了,但事實上這些近乎社會主義的人口政策完全無效,人口老化越來越困擾西歐各國,政府要解决出生率偏低的問題可能要依靠自由經濟政策了。沒有什麽大道理,只要減稅及全面退出教育市場便可,Gary Becker的A Treatise on the Family已分析得十分透徹,信不信由你。
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: hong kong birth rate 留言日期: 4/26/2006 11:30:00 AM
To all the good friends in Hong Kong, Please starting producing more babies. See the news from Orient Daily. No more going to Karaoke every night.Please stay home with your wife instead. 本港已成為全球出生率最低的地區之一,政府先後透過人口政策專責小組及策略發展委員會研究對策。「太陽民意」調查發現,近七成受訪者批評人口政策失敗,特首曾蔭權幾年前雖領導人口政策專責小組工作,但多年來只見宣傳、缺乏具體措施,受訪市民批評政府不制訂系統性政策,很難令人安心生育。
分析結果 策略發展委員會日前開會,討論解決本港生育率偏低的政策及方法,這次已是特區政府四年來第二次將人口政策提升到高層及最高諮詢部門討論。「太陽民意」透過電話抽樣訪問了四百零七名市民,大部分市民都不滿本港人口政策,尤其是四年前由十多位本港司局級官員組成的人口政策委員會,工作幾年之後仍然未見成效。
應效法外國設獎金 現時本港每千名女性,一生人孕育的存活嬰兒不足一人,被問及甚麼政策可以刺激市民生育時,三成受訪者認為,最佳的方法是政府延長免費育期,改善育質素,吸引市民生育;其次是兩成八受訪者認為,減稅或免稅有助減輕家長負擔,可能吸引市民生育;亦有兩成受訪者認為,改善託兒及家庭支援後,本港生育率料可回升。亦有一成六受訪者認為,本港應效法外國設立生育獎金,吸引市民生育。
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