
留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:油站冇油買
留言日期: 4/26/2006 10:34:00 AM

Gary, 聰兄:
您們好! 去年八月中, 曾去過深圳, 東莞, 順德和廣州. 那時深圳和東莞有人排隊兩日入汽油, 所鬧油荒就是聰兄現說的情況一樣, 加拿大就一定沒有這情況發生, 不過受油價高企影響之下, 我們大多倫多區的汽油價格各油公司也調整不同. 這幾週也持續上升. 昨天入了40多公升93號汽油也要付費50 加幣. 油價是加幣 $1.189/ Litre 申值 US$ 4.50/ Gallon . 其中稅收是貨勞稅(GST-7%)+聯邦稅和省稅(大約40%至50%視乎各省而定). 看情形我們的油價在夏天會升至 US$ 5.00一加侖的了.
正如陸國康幹事所言, 加拿大乃萬稅之國. 你們亦知道這裡天寒地凍, 為什麼有這麼多師友移居加拿大? 上年曾有一熱門話題「 老師們,我唔明?」在這裡受到各師友熱烈回應. 我那時也正在珠江三角洲四處遊玩, 非常抱歉, 未有加入論壇. 經Gary 問及, 可於下次安省師友聚會時愧集各人之移民見地也好. 然後刊登給大家分享.
上月中我已收回入息退稅金, 用Quick Tax 軟件, 網上電件報稅, 再經直接存款, 不消一星期便收到refund. 非常快捷.
請放心, 一定代你向各69校友們問好的. 各位69 看文帝, 不妨給Gary 一個Email吧!

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: 油站冇油買
留言日期: 4/25/2006 6:23:00 PM


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留言人: gary leung '70
主題: re: you are welcome
留言日期: 4/25/2006 5:48:00 AM

Thank so much for your infro.
My email is gary leung@dot.ca.gov and everyone who enjoy chatting in the pc is welcome to email and talk to me in this blog. In case of other fellow students are interested to learn this that I live in Calif since '73
firstly caming to this country. We had reunioned about 30 of our students in Northern Calif and some of them live in Sacramento as I do.
It seems quite a lots of our fellow students had immigrated to Canada. There must be some things that attracted your Hongkongers going over there. Is it the weather, the society or the future?
In the US lately, we had those illegal aliens flooded into the country and created a huge of social impacts as welfare, educatioin, security and employment. Our government is ran out of strategy to handle those people.
We already had had enough problems in this country, as the Iraqi war, the President's performance rating drops to new low, the economics going south, the soaring gasoline price. And now the illegal aliens.
Hey, how much is a gallon of gas over there? Yeaterday I paid US$2.98/gallon(4.2 liters) We expect it will go up 4 bucks a gallon before summer. We all blame the President that he steers the country into the wrong direction. Even I am a Republican I did not voted on his second term.
By the way, you Canadians have to do the income tax? Every year this time is tax time and we spent days with anxiety preparing it.
Would you do me a favor 陳聯新? Sent my best wish to the students we knew. And I always fell bad of not using chinses in this blog cause my chinese typing is about 2 words per minute.
God bless you all and happy monday.

Gary Leung'70
Sacramento Ca.

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