| | 留言人: 1 主題: re:母親=殺牠死? 留言日期: 4/10/2006 6:26:00 PM
If it was intended to be a sarcastic remark; than I totally agree ... Somehow, I simply can't tell what exactly Ms Chan meant when she said "媽媽真偉大!" - I read the post again, it could mean either way ...!?
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留言人: Miss Chan 主題: re:母親=殺牠死? 留言日期: 4/8/2006 9:32:00 PM
701校友: 多謝你替我解畫。 Miss Chan
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留言人: 701 主題: re:母親=殺牠死? 留言日期: 4/8/2006 8:47:00 PM
Hi,一哥 Definitely agree with you on the girls' behaviour. However, the words 媽媽真偉大in Miss Chan's writing could be viewed as the use of irony. Don’t you think so?
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留言人: 1 主題: re:母親=殺牠死? 留言日期: 4/8/2006 1:59:00 PM
媽媽真偉大!? I do not believe so...
the mother is wrong to have spoiled her daughters...the F.6 daughter is old enough to deal with life better than that... at that age, calling for mummy for help like that is just silly ... and the other should have trained her daughters to look after themselves than that ...
sorry, just my view...
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留言人: Miss Chan 主題: 母親=殺牠死? 留言日期: 4/8/2006 12:48:00 AM
今晚與一班舊同事在童軍總會吃晚飯期間,同事的女兒(一中六、一小六)來電說很害怕,因發現家中有曱甴的踪影,同事聽後亦非常緊張,叫女兒立刻取出殺蟲水防衛。我笑問同事是否家中每有曱甴都要由她「出馬」消滅之,她說是的,我繼續笑說今天「殺牠死」出了街,難怪女兒們要致電求救!媽媽真偉大! Miss Chan
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