| | 留言人: 70' 主題: re:我知誰人最偉大 留言日期: 3/29/2006 12:34:00 PM
Gary, Thanks for sharing your sex life with us, you're really great, the greatest of all!
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留言人: 木 子 健 主題: re:我知誰人最偉大 留言日期: 3/29/2006 10:59:00 AM
Gary哥 ﹐ 你 誇 唔誇 D呀 。 不 過 如 果 係 真 ﹐ 我 地 就 真 要 好 好 研 究 你 既生 活習 慣 ﹐ 話 唔 定 整出 D乜出 嚟打 低 偉 哥 ﹐ 校 友 會 攞番 一 成 就 發 囉。
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留言人: Gary Leung'70 主題: 我知誰人最偉大 留言日期: 3/29/2006 8:19:00 AM
Lately you guys talk about world cup, which country has the no. 1 soccer team and who is the greatest guy. It reminds me that couple years ago when I was in Europe, I had an argument with two people, one is Italian and the other is French of which country man is the greatest lover. One thing leaded to another, they started exaggerated their sex capability.
First the Italian man saying he had sex 2 times with his wife the night before and this morning his wife said he is the greatest man she ever met. Then the French man saying he had sex 3 times with his wife that night before and this morning his wife said he is the greatest man in the world. I said I had only once with my wife last night, and this morning my wife said sweetly,"Oh, honey don't stop and keep doing it." Gary Leung
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