| | 留言人: 84Adrian Lee 主題: re:soccer jersey schedule 留言日期: 4/4/2006 3:37:00 PM
Hi All Brother,
The soccer jersey will delivery to "Leung Ka Ming" office on Today!
Cheers! Adrian Lee
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留言人: Adrian Lee 主題: re:soccer jersey schedule 留言日期: 3/22/2006 4:19:00 AM
All Brother,
The Garment Fty confirm the soccer jersey will plan on delivery on 06-April to Leung Ka Ming office. Further of details will up post to all for refference.
Anyway let us have fun to wear of the PS jersey for the soccer game!
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留言人: Adrian Lee 主題: re:soccer jersey schedule 留言日期: 3/21/2006 5:40:00 PM
Hi all Brother,
I was double checking of the player name size. Due to techincal and consider of design effect of jerssey out look. I was revise all the name size form. The details as below.
0 陳聯新 MIKE 1 吳基鵬 DAVE 2 伍啟光 K.K.NG 4 周西 S.C. 5 伍耀庭 BOND 7 董偉業 S.TUNG 8 陳家豪 MARK 9 鄭松川 J.C. 10 梁嘉明 K.M. 11 梁志榮 DAVY 15 C Y Tsun TT 16 李忠榮 LAX 18 鄧思海 LOUIS 27 李潤強 ADRIAN 38 李偉強 RAYMOND 53 W.F.Chun W.F.CHUN 66 黎俊光 C.K. 88 N.K.Sun N.K.SUN 98 P.L.AU P.L.AU 99 陸國康 GREG LUK
CHEERS! Adrian Lee
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:soccer jersey schedule 留言日期: 3/17/2006 10:46:00 PM
I am super busy too and at China now.
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留言人: 84李潤強 主題: re:soccer jersey schedule 留言日期: 3/17/2006 9:22:00 PM
Hi All,
Due to Samuel Tung crazy busy for his own business within these few day, so I would be handle his job duty.
Today I was confirmed received the completed details list and was send to garment fty on 10 munite ago.
As I know some old boy's will going to canada on April, I was infirmed the sale to trying his best to completed the order completed on that day before. Further will keep post to all of the processing.
Hi Brother Ka Ming & Lai Hok,
Because of the jerssey order need to pay the deposit to "Super-X". When I receive the billing, I will be contact to your how to pay the money.
Cheers! Adrian Lee
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留言人: 陳家豪 主題: re:球衣繡字-佳麗的胸 留言日期: 3/17/2006 8:40:00 PM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:球衣繡字-佳麗的胸 留言日期: 3/17/2006 8:22:00 PM
對不起, 舊事重提.
留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:佳麗的胸...... 留言日期: 22/12/2005 3:31:34
致校友會: 我剛電匯 60 元加幣至陸幹事加國銀行戶口作拍賣投得0號球衫之費用. (81) 校友關新安會於明年一月初經台回港省親和可能約見梁志榮校友和梁嘉明會長. 如球衣屆時製成, 他說可帶回給我. 否則陸幹事說可代勞. 初期曾和李潤強校友談及胸圍尺寸和英文名字, 好像要大碼和名字印Mike Chan. 現看見”至在Bid 得”中的 L 碼胸圍尺寸是45”, 量度了自己胸圍多次, 也沒有那般大. 不過覺得自己是老鬼, 留些空間裝假狗, 好似美式足球一樣放些保護層, 給人撞了那副老骨頭也不會散. 更加唔睇得都嚇得人. 大碼就大碼, 不用改了. 謝謝! 校友陳聯新
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留言人: 84李潤強 主題: re:球衣繡字 留言日期: 3/17/2006 5:40:00 PM
HI All,
I was wrote down on application form then informed samuel tung a long time ago,anyway I am write here once again! Thanks!
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:球衣繡字 留言日期: 3/17/2006 12:56:00 AM
Very Good ! Well done !
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:球衣繡字 留言日期: 3/17/2006 12:26:00 AM
好主意! 如繡給李校友 "精忠報校", 繡我的 ”鞠躬盡瘁” 沒相干! 不過我好像記起已給英文名字李校友, 小弟有煩現再補充是 ”Mike Chan” 謝! 謝!
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留言人: 校友會 主題: 球衣繡字 留言日期: 3/16/2006 11:44:00 PM
聯新師兄和李潤強: 你們沒有留下繡字資料,是否"精忠報校",請儘快在此回覆。
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