| | 留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:女性地位不容小看 留言日期: 3/15/2006 4:03:00 PM
Steve 70,
Trust me, I do not think I have any problems with 女醫生診症 regardless of my age ...
I don't see any difference at all being examined by a male or female doctor ...
Come what may, I prefer to be seen, examined or when necessary "man-handled" by a woman than a man, medically or otherwise, period.
Appreciate your comment but I am fine.
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:女性地位不容小看 留言日期: 3/15/2006 2:04:00 PM
Big nose Wait until you reach to the age of 40 somethings you should be regretting what you just said. Why? because all men after the age of 40 somethings should have a yearly rectal digital exame by a physcian to check for any BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) to rule out any prostatic cancer if the psa is high.
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:女性地位不容小看 留言日期: 3/14/2006 6:21:00 PM
I have no problem with 女醫生診症 ... hee hee!!
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留言人: 有心人 主題: re:女性地位不容小看 留言日期: 3/14/2006 4:59:00 PM
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:女廁不夠用 留言日期: 3/14/2006 4:43:00 PM
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:男女角色已變了 留言日期: 3/14/2006 3:58:00 PM
The point is -
If a man is reported inside a "ladies" toilet (loitering or otherwise) unless there is an exceptionally acceptable excuse (and I do not think he went in to do a wee is one), likely that he would be found guilty and get punished... By the same token, under the laws of the land, the very exact same should apply to a women ... and if it doesn't, there is something wrong ...
I do not think it matters for a man to claim (or proof) if and what suffering a man sustains to make a case ... if a man should do it, likewise, a woman shouldn't do it either ... I don't particularly like it (in fact, I would be offended...) when a strange woman coming un-invited inside the toilet where I am carrying my own private business ...
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:男女角色已變了 留言日期: 3/14/2006 2:24:00 PM
Is there a law in HK that prohibits woman using man's toilet? I don't know,but not to my best ability to know of such a law ever exits. Can the man who asked the toilet attendant to arrest these two women for using the men's toilet? I guess not because the toilet attendant is not a member of the law enforcement agency so she does not have the authority to do so. But the man can call police to arrest them if the he can prove to the police and later in court to the judge that he suffered tremendous amount of distress from this incident. But remember being a man and claimed to be distressed mentally by the presence of a woman in a toilet is a very difficult convincing arguement to the police and the judge. The reverse situation is a much easier case to prove. (a man enters to the women's toilet).So if you are a man try this at your peril.
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: 男女角色已變了 留言日期: 3/14/2006 2:27:00 AM
廿多年前,經常說:男女不平等。事至今日,世界變了很多。男女角色已對換了很多。一些以前既定的事情,現在己變了。受害人已不是女性的專利,無論女追男,及女性到夜店的情況更普通,為情自殺都可能是男性。 如果,這裡不是文化中心,而是酒吧,女人到男廁很平常。本人在東京時,見到女性主動拉她身旁的男性朋友,到時鐘酒店,反而,該男子不想去,站在門外豫豫。另外有一次在大板時,正在咖啡室飲下午茶,如廁小便時《站立》,有幾位日本妹在萛皜怚X來,原來日本真有男女同廁和男女同浴。在香說A應該有《父親的抉擇》的機構來幫助男性。Miss Chan,聽到這芋A請急Call 你兩位公子啦,他們m很英俊,小心鬼妹!
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留言人: 70’ 主題: re:世風日下 留言日期: 3/14/2006 2:26:00 AM
大陸客在迪士尼城堡前撒尿 最少她們在廁所裡撒﹐ 還是在藝術節文化中心裡撒﹗ 還是這些淑女夠文明 呵呵
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留言人: Miss Chan 主題: 世風日下 留言日期: 3/14/2006 12:54:00 AM
星期日香港藝術節閉幕,文化中心重頭戲是莫札特之歌劇,故全場滿座。由於許士仁做閉幕之主禮嘉賓,加上有很多名人,四處都見保鑣。中場休息時,女洗手間照例大排長龍,龍尾都在通道外。此時兩名年約三十歲左右的女士,一為外藉,一為中國藉,站在男洗手間外討論了一會便施施然走入男厠,幾名男士從堶惆咱X來望望門外的公仔,確定自己有否入錯厠所。未幾該兩名女士神態自若走出來,雖然很多人都用鄙視的眼光望著她們,她倆卻無視眾人的目光,風騷地離去。此時一名男子從厠所出來,見到門外的女職員,立即質問她為何不阻止,該女職員回答說她們堅持要入,她都無辦法。男士更氣,說他可以報警,告那兩名女子性騒擾,還反問女職員若然是兩名男子走入女厠,女士們會有何反應呢? 這邊廂我們一班女士都不值她倆所為,不約而同都說如此自我,只顧自己而不顧他人感受,讀完番書都無用。 早前我的同學(任教於何文田一所名校)才講笑說現在女色狼當道,在學校要「看實」班仔,免他們被女色所迷,失身於她們而自毀前途。(因為有些女同學非常主動追男仔)唉!真是世風日下! Miss Chan
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