| | 留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/22/2006 6:33:00 PM
Mr. Chan The odditiy of editing function of this forum drove me crazy. I accidently pressed the enter key after my name. This was the reason with blank posting. I will see you on saturday.
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/22/2006 6:29:00 PM
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留言人: Ming Sun Chen 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/22/2006 12:39:00 PM
Ng Wai Chung, Lee Chung Wing, I got your message. We will meet each other on this saturday at Kowloon Tong. Ming Sun
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留言人: Ming Sun Chen 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/22/2006 12:26:00 PM
Hello Steve,
Welcome to Hong Kong. I remember I saw you in Sydney three years ago . I have joined a tea party with Cheung Sum in Sydney last month.
Here is my phone number: 97440590
Hope to see you on this Saturday.
Ming Sun
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/22/2006 10:18:00 AM
Kit Ahn I am now in HK and having a wonderful of wining and dinning with friends and relatives. I was trying to call you recently and i forgot to leave my cell phone number on your voice machine. I used up all my minutes on my cell phone already so i need to buy more minutes later today. Here is my cell phone number:91723490. Hope we can reconnect later today(March 22).I live in Tin Shui Wai now it may take me longer to meet you in Tai Po.As a matter of fact I am using the public library in Tin Shui Wai to read your messages. Will you be interested to meet Mr. Chan Ming Sun on this saturday in Kowloon Tong.? Hi Mr. Chan please reserve a spot for me , I definitely will be there to meet any old or new friends.
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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/21/2006 11:33:00 PM
陳明生老師, 本人近日,於工作及學業上m很繁忙,所以很少留言,但一見到你出現,立即放下一切,來留言給你。剛和梁嘉明通電話,星期六中午見,我怕一圍檯不夠座,想見你的人實太多了。
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留言人: 李忠榮 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/21/2006 10:17:00 PM
陳老師: 你好!見到你回來,真是10分興奮。今天同梁會長通過電話,心中期待著與你重聚。
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留言人: Ming Sun Chen 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/21/2006 10:35:00 AM
Chit Ah, Steve,
I have just contacted Alumni Chairman Leung Kar Ming and asked him to book a table in one of the resturants in the mall at Kowloon Tong this Saturday (25-3-06). I will meet you at the Exit C of the Kowloon Tong Station of MTR at 11:00 AM.
See you.
Ming Sun
( I am using my daughter's computer. There is no chinese input software.)
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留言人: Chit_Ah Mak 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/21/2006 10:11:00 AM
I suppose you have arrived HK smoothly. Could you ring me up at your earliest convenience? My work # : 3406-2696 Or you can leave a message for me at chit_mak@msn.com Regards,
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留言人: 李 偉 強 (72) 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/10/2006 2:19:00 PM
麥哲亞師 兄 ﹕
歡 迎 您 到 來 此 平 臺 ﹐ 剛 跟 你 同 班 同 學 區熾通 話 ﹐ 他 得 悉 你 也 住 Fremont,很 想 跟 你 聯 絡 。 他 的 email address :chiau888@yahoo.com 下 次 灣 區 有 校 友 活 動 一 定 通 知 你 們 。
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留言人: Mak Chit-Ah 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/10/2006 9:45:00 AM
Steve Lai(70),
I remembered you. We went to NU in Boston. So did Wilfred Wong(68). I have worked for ASTRI at Shatin for two months. I live at Tai Po at the moment. Please contact me at
camak@astri.org or chit_mak@msn.com PH : 3406-2696
I would like to meet you when you are back in Hong Kong
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/10/2006 1:04:00 AM
Chit Ah
Remember me. We went to the same undergrad school together. I was studying in Pharmacy while you were in double E. I'll be in HK from March 17 thru April7. Hope we can get together. I'll call you later. Hey anyone of you wants to have a get together party we should arrange here. Steve
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留言人: Mak, Chit-Ah 主題: Keep in contact 留言日期: 3/9/2006 4:39:00 PM
My Phone : 3406-2696
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