| | 留言人: 鍾志光 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/13/2006 10:25:00 PM
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留言人: Kin Cheung 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/10/2006 12:06:00 PM
Hi 鍾志光,
Nice to here from you. Sorry that I don't know how to type Chinese character.
I lost contact to all of the classmate. I have been trying to find out what's happened to them in recently years. Unfortunately, it's totally fruitless until I found this web site. Althought I don't know most of the people (teachers or ex-student) who left messages here, I feel warm and excited. There is a lot of memory in Oxford st. We also had lot of fun and laugh.
I am jealous of you because you can meet with other schoolmates every couple months. I can see that the gathering must be full of fun and laugh. Please say hello to everyone for me.
I can be contacted on kbecc@mail.com. My mobile no (Australia) is 0422 111818.
If you plan to come to Sydney, please let me know so that we can meet again.
Cheers, Kin Cheung
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留言人: 陳明生 主題: re:我是誰--哲亞? 留言日期: 3/10/2006 5:38:00 AM
哲亞: 你好嗎?這是你的名字,沒寫錯吧。 你回港多久了?有一次你從美國返港,回培聖探我們,在圖書館外的欄杆邊和你傾談了幾句,那已是廿多年前的事了。我很好。我和張健新,何鼎康、陳宗榮老師茶聚的照片,已登在本網上。你看我變了有多少? 我的電郵址是:
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留言人: 鍾志光 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/10/2006 1:04:00 AM
張健新同學: 很高興與你在此重逢,最近也有和書友們飯敘,出席者有亞招(劉志雄)、亞積(林偉雄)、何永恆、鄧康强、曹國禮、謝成光、梁炯榮、劉國東等,通常我們約三四個月會聚頭一次,可聯絡的同班同學約二十個左右,請問你還有跟誰有聯絡。
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留言人: Mak, Chit-Ah 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/9/2006 4:48:00 PM
Mr. Chan,
You were our Math techer in 1969. I am back in HK.
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留言人: Kin Cheung 張健新 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/9/2006 10:16:00 AM
Hi 鍾志光,
This is Kin (張健新). I am living in Sydney. Couple weeks ago, I met 陳明生老師 and 陳宗榮老師. 陳明生老師 told me that your are working for TVB. No wonder you look familiar to me. I have been puzzling for many year if you are ex-Pui Shing.
Please confirm my memory - I remember that you had been reprseenting PUI SHING for reciting (ortory??) compeition because you have a clear (& loud too!) voice. Am I correct?
Anyway, I am glad that finally I can hear news about classmates of 79.
Cheers, Kin
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留言人: 陳明生 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/9/2006 9:21:00 AM
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/7/2006 1:23:00 PM
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留言人: 鍾志光 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 3/6/2006 11:58:00 PM
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留言人: 鍾志光 主題: re:他是誰 留言日期: 3/1/2006 12:39:00 AM
Tat 學弟: 好記性,當年在商業一台主持一個與體育及消閒活動有關的節目,其中有一次主題為遠足,我自然想起找陳宗榮老師作嘉賓,在學時曾跟老師到新娘潭、馬屎州、東龍島、東坪州等地作野外考察,獲益良多。更難得的是老師一口應承,並親臨商台錄音。二千年悉尼奧運後曾到老師家中作客,當晚尚有陳明生老師,轉眼又快六年。
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:他是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 10:51:00 PM
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留言人: 84李潤強 主題: re:他是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 10:42:00 PM
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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 9:29:00 PM
鍾志光, 歡迎你來這平台。
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留言人: Tat 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 9:29:00 PM
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留言人: 84李潤強 主題: re:我是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 9:27:00 PM
Hi Brother,
I was informed my friend to help the booking of the real glass pitch for soccer friendly match. Once confirm which date, I will post on the chart!
Cheers! Adrian Lee
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留言人: 鍾志光 主題: 我是誰 留言日期: 2/28/2006 9:20:00 PM
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