| | 留言人: Big Nose 主題: re:re:re:多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 7/14/2005 1:16:00 PM
I sincerely hope that I don't have to wait for yet another year or so to get to see the pictures taken on 710 ...
Also, the old boys contact details don't seem to get updated on this site; what happened to the details (name, phone and email) collected during the previous gatherings?
I strongly believe that there are many Pui Shing old boys who are interested and keen on getting in touch with other Pui Shing old boys and it is important and useful to bring as many old boys in - when old boys see more and more names on this site, it will bring them back more and more precious memories and the energy will grow...
Start a program, launch a campaign, bring back the old boys - we only live once and good or bad, Pui Shing is part of our history and much of us would want to walk the memory lane ... especially as we grow older and older...
Do all you can, TEAM!!!
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留言人: Peggy (培聖校友會-勵進部部長) 主題: re:多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 7/10/2005 12:05:00 AM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:re:多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 7/9/2005 10:48:00 AM
在此十分感謝胡珮珊部長的回應, 可惜因留言和聯絡校友時間較迫切, 而學校暑期亦至. 各校友早已有所安排, 如外遊或回港探親等. 另李培均老師也到法國旅遊. 所以響應710同樂日的多倫多BBQ未能成事. 展望來年再響應. 我們在遙遠他鄉的一群, 亦希望能及早於網上觀賞同樂日中各校友的歡樂情趣. 不要像大鼻校友所言, 久等一年.
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留言人: Peggy (培聖校友會-勵進部部長) 主題: re:多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 7/7/2005 12:32:00 AM
有意思, 有意思... ... 希望各地培聖校友也齊來響應710同樂日!!!
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 6/19/2005 9:43:00 PM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: 多倫多校友BBQ 留言日期: 6/19/2005 9:22:00 PM
各位多倫多校友: 我們身在異鄉,欲想參加七月十日在天水圍母校舉行的校友球類聯歡日,難成美夢! 何不在七月十日於此來一個多倫多校友老師家庭同樂日,以BBQ形式舉行.到時拜會師母,各家人聯絡感情,如張志強校友能參加,校友子女快將升大學的也會得益不少. 其他外地的校友們也可舉行其他活動,那麼「培聖校友七一零,世界各地齊共興」就美夢成真了. 校友陳聯新敬上
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