
留言人: Tat
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 10:02:00 PM



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留言人: 冇腦
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 10:01:00 PM



你係咪睇慣紅館貴價飛的古巨基,陳亦迅甚至天馬懢WILD DAY OUT 2005 ROCK BAND SHOW一時間唔適應啊?呢間鄉下學校好窮,佢哋請唔起架!



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留言人: 陸國康
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 5:33:00 PM


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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 4:20:00 PM


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留言人: 一個受到關注的校友
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 3:07:00 PM







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留言人: 佘耀庭
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 9:26:00 AM

Yes, we were in the same class.

My email address is hubertshea@hwpg.com. Can you let me have your email address?

I am used to base in Shanghai and other cities in China.

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留言人: 山河
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 8:05:00 AM




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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 6:10:00 AM

To 一個受到關注的校友,

Obviously, you still don't get it ... and I am begining to believe that you probably will never get it ... may be we simply live in a different world...

Others might be more kind than me and I have been as kind as I can ever be to someone with your attitude ... Hacken Li and Eason Chan are today's top artists; they can be as ridiculous as you have been but they don't ... you simply do not understand your position and perhaps have over estimated your welcome...

Others have been reasonable and more than polite to you ... but I see you are dissing everyone and you are nothing but acting like a ridiculous child. Now that Chairman Leung has responded to you; I can not believe you could still go on and on ...

Okay, you might have done it before, and you might have done such event so much better ... someone messed you on the 24th ... so what more do you want? Open your eyes, it happens everyday and everywhere...I am not suggesting it is right but it is a fact, a reality. I am not suggesting you should accept but to change your tact ... plat the game smarter not harder...carrying on the way you have been, my bet is you will likely to remain a loser for the rest of your life ... frankly, I simply would fire you if you work for me and I would not work with someone with such attitude. As much as you keep telling everyone how good you are and having organized some events previously (and you might be right), you have to learn to be a team player, not every show is your show. Learn to respect others a little more; even if others might not be as good as you are; you just don't come back and rubbish the host and organizers...

I am sure you are older than my 17 years old son but I see my son is more mature. Review your attitude, realise your weakness and find a way to be a better person. If you cannot accept views from others, you should understand why others might not appreciate your points.

You may be successful in other circles but right here, you are just a soured loser. You choose and control your own destiny, as an older Pui Shing boy, I have done all I can for you and I wish you luck...

I believe we have said enough on the matter, no reply is necessary.

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 1:24:00 AM

嘩! 你仲薄A我真係服鬻A,唔通真係"少年不識愁知味,為賦新詞強說愁"。

如果你把這股精神發揮,我真係信你有威過鄧建明的一天。荀子曰:”鍥而舍之,朽木不折,鍥而不舍,金石可鏤。” 謹記”將相本無維種,男兒當自強”,希望有培聖以你為榮的一天,而不是你再呼天搶地。千萬不要被Big Nose, 大頭以及阿TatO死啊!。千里之行,始於足下,一定要努力及爭氣。

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留言人: 一個受到關注的校友
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/30/2005 12:40:00 AM


作為我的師兄,我不認為你是一個好榜樣,出了亂子,連你自己也認,但是你一句” even if it was messed up, let it go ... rightly or wrongly,”顯然你完全冇反省錯誤的心”

而我覺得你是最冇資格叫我STOPPING BLAMING 因為你是已得利益者,24/12 晚在台上嚴重超時because of 吹水,便是你們這班師兄,想想也覺你們枉為攪手

另外, 就”organize an event yourself and take charge ... divert your energy to contribute to making a more successful” “Why don't you put words into real action”而言,我再重申一次, 在過去兩年我曾為學校舉辦了兩次帥生同獻藝音樂會,我隊band 便是主要表演者,反應也十分良好.而且該活動是完全由我發起,完成冇學生會和校友會的幫助,以及我不單是表演者,更是活動負責和策劃人.

就”I saw top artists [before they becaome top artists] being treated worse than what you have been treated on the night ... it was horrible”而言,雖然不合理和不公平的情況十分常見,但我們便能把這些種種看作”正常化”看待嗎? 在過去兩次我攪帥生同獻藝音樂會中我也抱住”一個也不能少”的SPIRITY,把任務完成,務求所有表演者including all students and teachers也可出場.不要有負校方,特別是Mr Poon 全權交給我負責的信任.

我認為自己唯一的失職是其中有一位同學因為受到大部份players 反對和不肯played her song .她被迫冇得玩.當然我對她的道歉和解釋是少不了的.

因此,我覺得主辦單位缺少了一些應有的特質,慶幸我能在培聖遇到一些老師e.g 潘永強老師看到’以一人/學生為本”的SPIRIT

To 大頭

我不是一個唱曬,獨唱只佔3首,其它我主要幫手playing guitar

我隊band 還有師生合唱< 預先PLAN 好,即有老師答應玩>,及即興invite 現場audience有趣的可以上台唱和我隊band成員李強更 準備了他的 改編Rock 版校歌一同唱.,其他team member solo or 合唱, 及即興invite師兄唱等等……….

TO 梁嘉明

其實係攪手李潤強話我聽Peggy是校友會主席.唉……我也不知你們那個真.你們D高層的溝通認真唉………….不說了……… 你們叫我Stopping blaming 嗎.

講開溝通,在該次音樂會中,我覺得old and new 校友會間互相不知對方做甚麼唉……..



不像今年由校友會和學生會合辦,的”責重權輕”or “權責不清”

就當我年少輕狂,我更喜由校方统籌,由我全權負責.由我分工, 策劃,監督.
以免像今次分工不清, 策劃失當,沒有監督

Or 直接去社區中心玩,唔史煩.


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留言人: 陳國強 (76-81)
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/29/2005 6:19:00 PM


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留言人: 佘耀庭
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/29/2005 6:06:00 PM

Totally concur with your view.

Please stop blaming and what we have to attempt is to do something more gorgeous for our upcoming event in the near future.

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留言人: 薯仔誠
主題: re:音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/29/2005 4:59:00 PM


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留言人: 校友會梁嘉明
主題: 音樂會舒怨氣、提意見完結篇
留言日期: 12/29/2005 4:01:00 PM


今次音樂會是校友會與學生會首度合作,更是首次在母校禮堂舉行;多方面均有所不足!謹此見諒!籌備上本人因俗務纏身,未能參與(因工作忙至數週通宵),人力極不足,本人不能不要負上部分責任。閣下所有善意批評,代表本會先行謝過!定當於往後同樣音樂會作為警惕。於回顧檢討後,前瞻明年音樂會必須更多人力、物力和時間來籌備。而校友會幹事會正需閣下如此人才加入參與!歡迎請來電9216 8584與本人聯絡暢談!



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留言人: Tat
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:23:00 PM

I have to add one more sentence: 千里之行,始於足下. We can do a lot better. Let's do it.

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留言人: 過路人
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:19:00 PM

呢件事,影響學校聲譽,係咪應該有個代表出來解畫好 D 噃!

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留言人: 山河
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:18:00 PM

合抱之木 ,生於毫末,九層之台,起於累土.

大家請明白此活動目的是幫助 培聖母校的經費,望能同舟共濟,四海一心,扶助她成長,令學梓有餘蔭,請勿自亂陣腳,宜吸取經驗,繼續此股幹勁,做得更好,培聖仔女都有股強烈的 培聖情,請棄置私念齊建培聖台,樹立培聖蔭.四海校友及師長定當支持,請三思而行,努力以赴.

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留言人: 子莊
主題: re:停下來細心想(1)
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:08:00 PM

在香港,「董建華」的管治不只活在政府,也深深根植於部份人的內心深處,他們 ── 沒有察覺而已。

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留言人: 子莊
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:05:00 PM

在香港,「董建華」的管治不只活在政府,也深深根植於部份人的內心深處,他們 ── 沒有察覺而已。

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 12:30:00 PM

都冇理由一個人就唱16首歌,joey 又點,話之係你係容袓兒.你估你個人show.人地唔使唱,咁不如你去紅館開笨.真係不知所謂.浪費時間

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留言人: 蛇仔
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 12:22:00 PM


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留言人: 佘耀庭
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 11:21:00 AM

Dear All,

It was my pleasure of attending the Christmas concert, although I contributed nothing extraordinary to it.

A 'blame-free' attitude is useful for all of us to work and live anytime and anywhere. I highly appreciate the effort that has been made by our respectful teachers, old boys, and students.

Although the concert was a bit disorganised due to time constraint, what I treasured most was that all of YOU did contribute a lot to the best interest of the school. All of you are really MARVELLOUS! It is not necessary to put the blame for the disorganisation on anyone again, please!

Ng Wah Chung, Joey, and other old boys,thank you very much for your unfailing support to the school!

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留言人: BIg Nose - 1977
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 10:25:00 AM

To 一個沒有被尊重的校友,

Let me tell you something, I happen to work in the Entertainment business and I have seen your stories all the time ... not-so-famous artists and not-so-important people just get pushed around all the time ... eat it or leave it ... that's the reality ...
I saw top artists [before they becaome top artists] being treated worse than what you have been treated on the night ... it was horrible...
Years ago, I was at a dinner party when I met an artist (HL); he was not that famous at the time, no one took any notice of him...I was the only person who went up and spoke with him and took a picture (he looked real sad at the time)...now, he is much more famous and people just can't get near him ... a few weeks ago, at another dinner party where I met him, a picture was taken ... the same person looked so different before and after getting famous...

We live in a real world, grunting usually gets you nowhere ... keep your head down and get to the top, then you would have more liberty to do or say whatever you want ...

Wake up!!!

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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 10:16:00 AM

To 一個沒有被尊重的校友

Why don't you put words into real action, bring on an event and show us all how it should be done !?

If it works out, I am sure people would pay you more respect ....

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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/29/2005 10:03:00 AM

To 一個沒有被尊重的校友

You still don't get it...there is always two sides to a coin and no matter what; there is always people complaining...

You were not in charge of the event of the night; someone else was and in any event; even if it was messed up, let it go ... rightly or wrongly, pay some respect to the host and organizers (who must have worked hard to put the show together)...

Go with the flow; if you are dead serious about your performance; organize an event yourself and take charge ... divert your energy to contribute to making a more successful event is the answer and stop crying over soured milk!!!!

If you insist on harping about here ... I don't think any one can help you any more ... and I rest my case...!

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留言人: 大頭
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 8:58:00 AM

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留言人: 一個冇受尊重的校友
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 8:53:00 AM

To 吳偉聰

16首歌背後是兩個以來every day 2 hours在家中的練習,代表我認為對的事便全力以赴.記得我第一次攪師生同獻藝音樂會,我也想過放棄,但是因為責任感和 A SENCE OF BELONGING ,結果我堅持下去.


e.g old school 校友因一時得意忘形在台上不斷”吹水”結果嚴重超時at least 40mins leading to a adverse influence on 整個音樂會的運作,難道這樣可以容忍嗎?

其實我真的懷疑部份回應者有冇看畢我第一篇的留言,我大約只用了1/5的篇幅表達我隊band d songs were cut 的不滿,但是回應者大多只回應我前1/5的篇幅的內容e.g 叫我看開點等………


“Which one is the 主要負責人?”
Old school 校友李潤強who was the 音樂會髮起人,話係學生會負責.
但學生會副主席mimi和new school 校友會主席Peggy話係李潤強負責
而課外活動senior teacher Mr Poon話係佢自己負責.

As a result ,有事冇人理,e.g 一位學生會主席脫光上身在台唱歌, 學生會負責老師和校友會也冇上台制止,maybe 該兩 個units 以為對方負責.良久才有老師理.

其它包括冇人控制timing/time limit防止超時.,可能不同單位以為自然會有人負責.


學生會與old school student 李潤強制定的timetable/schedule最後臨時景被校方隋意更,改包括學生會speech, principal speech,抽獎, principal臨時invite all teachers 大合唱等等…….事實上出show前幾日學生會send 比我的timetable still 是原先學生會與old school student 李潤強開會制定的timetable/schedule的版本,但正式出show 當日已是另外一回事.In other words,一個音樂會的負責人不知是誰,但最終話事人卻是校方.而校方卻不似是負責人,因校方冇派老師in charge of this programme .

有個笑話也想趁機說給大家聽當初我還不知道Peggy 是new school 校友會主席我曾問她: new school 校友會在音樂會是負責怎麼事務?誰人負責?有冇辦法我可以找到主要new school 校友會成員?她不但不回答我的問題,還沒有表明她是new school 校友會主席.的身份.不知她是怕”咩獲”定有甚麼難言之隱.

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 4:38:00 AM


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 3:57:00 AM





Liverpool vs Everton 開波了,下次再談。

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留言人: 子莊
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/29/2005 1:32:00 AM


唱十六首歌?唔出奇噃!Joey Tang當年搞民歌晚會,幾乎所有的歌由他彈奏、伴奏、協奏,一腳獨踢,當時真係沒有所謂,他彈得、唱得,旨在玩耍。現在想看他的表現,看容祖兒的最新VCD,他有份伴奏。不過,我就沒有甚麼興趣了,唱流行曲,越聽越厭了。




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留言人: 一個沒有被尊重的校友
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/29/2005 1:11:00 AM


"What makes you think you have to right to sing 16 songs at a concert? "

這是與學生會和OLD SCHOOL STUDENT Adrian開會的決定,會中each band 各自跟據自己打算玩多少首歌而獲分配一段出場時間.在計算各隊所佔的時間,包括Joey Tang,old school 校友和播 film所佔的時間,距離李潤強計劃完場的時間12:30p:m還剩1.5 hours at the concert ,我隊band 便玩餘下的這個1.5 hours

"If you were allowed to sing 16 songs, how about the other performers who didn't get to sing 16 songs? "

其實上述我已explain了 ,one more point I want to make that其中一隊由培聖人和外校組成的band 以及一隊由培聖人組成的band 也因唔夠時間practise,兩隊分別同樣由原本打算出8首歌改為最後出3首歌

"What makes you think that the audiences would enjoy listening to all your 16 numbers?"

首先我隊band D 歌一般節奏較勁和相對較新,我相信這能迎合大部分人<當晚主要的觀眾其實主要是NEW SCHOOL 較年輕的學生和校友>,當然也會出一些金曲迎合其他校友.

另外,在過去兩年我曾為學校舉辦了兩次帥生同獻藝音樂會,我隊band 便是主要表演者,反應也十分良好.

而且我隊band 還有帥生合唱< 預先PLAN 好,即有老師答應玩>,及即興invite 現場audience 一同唱.務求達到interative

還有,我隊band 不單較年輕,與大部audience 冇generation gap 外,一些players 還still 被同學記得和歡迎eg 李強


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留言人: 79-82學生
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 8:47:00 PM

從來世事渺茫茫, 未知明日在那方, 應要隨緣來過日, 盡己本份度時光, 保守行為勿放蕩, 每逢做事要思量, 謹慎做人無苦惱, 凡事靜埵野郎w, 吃些虧處原無害, 退讓三分也不妨, 多為別人好處想, 留得人家深印象, 是非不必常計較, 彼此無須論短長, 害人之心不可有, 報應實在要提防, 作孽多端入地獄, 光明正大見天堂, 神明本是正直做, 不許人間罪惡猖, 欲能跳出大羅網, 勿染塵污是妙方, 麝因香重身先死, 蠶為絲多命早亡, 人心不足蛇吞象, 結局方知夢一場, 老病生死誰替得, 酸甜苦辣自身當, 世事由來多變幻, 幻軀怎可免尋常, 春日才看楊柳綠, 秋天又見菊花黃, 榮華終是三更夢, 富貴如同九月霜, 黃金不是千年業, 無須過份去緊張, 是得是失無所謂, 心靜便會見心涼, 轉眼之間人歸去, 到時遠遠又家鄉

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/28/2005 7:20:00 PM


從你的字裡行間看來,你應該仍是很年輕的,因為你仍然追求公平。區區16首歌,你就呼天搶地。師弟,你如何面對將來的不公平。所謂"人生在世不稱意,明朝散髮弄扁舟。" 算吧!




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留言人: 黎克
主題: 停下來細心想
留言日期: 12/28/2005 5:58:00 PM


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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 5:03:00 PM

To 一個沒有被尊重的校友

What makes you think you have to right to sing 16 songs at a concert? What makes you think that the audiences would enjoy listening to all your 16 numbers? If you were allowed to sing 16 songs, how about the other performers who didn't get to sing 16 songs?

尊重 or 不受尊重 - if you have to asked to be 尊重; I believe there is already something wrong somewhere ... often 尊重 needs to be earned!!

Do you 尊重 the host and the organizers? Like I said before, you are just an invited guest, if you organized a party and put your heart and soul into it, regardless how good or bad the party turned out to be, the last thing you want is for someone to come and bitch about it.

You may not like what I am saying here, but I say it all the same, I personally do not really like your approach - even if your anger and agressiveness are justified, your tactics are not working for you.

Turn the table around and imagine you are those who are at the receiving end. Have you ever thought about how these people might feel and perhaps not sure how to respond to your message?

If the objectives are to make things better; work harder and change your tactics if neccessary. Don't forget you are nobody and it would be easier for others to just ignore you. Make it work if you still care and stop shuffling your righteousness down people's throat, some people might just find it hard to swallow.

Learn from the experience and make a better tomorrow. Good luck...!

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留言人:  一個沒有被尊重的校友
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 4:14:00 PM

其次我也希望.Joey Tang played 16 songs or more.
However, it is impossible Joey Tang to play 16 songs or above basecause he was so busy that he need to leave early.
For this reason , if I were Joey Tang ,I also could not play 16 songs

另外,我覺得my band 是最有資格玩16 songs.因為除了old school校友外,我隊band是唯一一隊全由培聖人組成的表演者.而且這是得到學生會和主要負責人Adrian Lee的批准.其實在過去兩年由我launched的 師生同獻藝音樂會,我隊band 也是玩at least 13songs

其中兩隊由培聖人和外校組成的band也因唔夠時間practise,兩隊分別同樣由原本打算出8首歌改為最後出3首歌這也比全由培聖人組成的表演者的一首多.因此我也想問which team 比我隊band 更有資格play so many songs?

另外,,除了old school 校友 外,基本上所有players ,也是由我一個人直接或間接找到的.結果我隊只出到一首歌,而且還是我beg來的.這樣合理嗎?

Actually, I have involved in this concert quite deeply including attending the meeting and giving a lot of ideas,for exsample set up a half sharp of a stage and let the players and the audiences have interaction. I am really impressed the setting of the stage at that night and I awared that they did a very good work and used a lot of effeort.

此外,old school 校友口口聲聲話想看新校校友表演eg. Adrian Lee.



Lastly, I have sent a e mail to Adrian Lee a campaigner , Peggy a chairman of Alumni Association, and Mr Poon a senior extra activitive teaacher to review this programme.

Later, I also will send a letter to the principal and maybe have a meeting with principal,Peggy,Mr Poon,and Adrian Lee.

I believe that all my these effort will be positive and contructive enough

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 3:51:00 PM

致 : 一個冇受尊重的校友(自稱),

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 3:04:00 PM

I'm fortunate enough to become part of Pui Shing. It’s good to see many familiar faces in the photo album that can't help bringing back numerous wonderful memories – of walks along the Oxford Road, of what I myself were like when I first came here. I recall in particular that Pui Shing exposed me to many interesting subjects in Chinese (陳樂生), Chinese History (岑鍊英), World History (袁永強), Economics (劉德雄), Soccer (鍾嘉祥) & etc.

However, the above situation is only a spiritual Pui Shing, just like Plato’s ideal world. Coming back to material world, I attended Alumni activity twice but both experiences were unpleasant. In Old Boy Dinner 2001 or 2002, I saw 2 old boys got drunk & fought for some meaningless quarrels. I also found 2003 Pui Shing 40th Anniversary Alumni Variety Show was very chaotic & noisy, which was a distasteful show. From then, I've never participated in any Alumni Association's activity.

That's why I choose to write down my sentiment in this website only. In here, I can express my words as well as 詩詞歌賦 to Miss Chan, 炮Sir, Ah Chung, 有心人, Sam Cheng, Big Nose & 一個冇受尊重的校友 without restraint. Now, I am so happy to communicate with any old boy through this platform.

After all, I dedicate the following 詞 to 一個冇受尊重的校友:


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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 11:03:00 AM

To 一個沒有被尊重的校友,

I cannot believe you were allocated a slot to perform 16 songs on the night !!!

You were naive if you were to believe you would get to perform 16 songs on the night...unless you were Joey Tang...

Learn from this and like I said before, do something positive and constructive ... you have made your point here and if you still care, try doing something more than keep bitching on ...

I am not sure why you are so wound up about an apology...it would be a nice gesture but imporvement would be more important than an apology....

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留言人: 一個沒有被尊重的校友
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 7:53:00 AM



This essay was not only express my disappointment
but also I hope the host unit will have some improvement in the future and not let this history repeat again


假如這是學校最後一個音樂會OR 大型活動,現在也不須再作討論.


Actually, the host still do not give me a explanation although our part of performance was shortened from 16 songs to 1 song all the sudden.


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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/28/2005 4:30:00 AM

致 : 一個冇受尊重的校友(自稱),

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留言人: Big Nose - 1977
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/27/2005 10:48:00 PM

To 一個冇受尊重的校友:

I read your message with great interest ... and somewhat a little disturbed ...

Firstly, I fail to understand why you didn't post a name that identified yourself - I guess you may see yourself as nobody and hence didn't want to disclose your identity. This is no problem but I am just curious.

I believe you are a Pui Shing old boy yet you might be of younger generations. It is obvious that you simply do not understand the real world that we live in and the hierarchy / class system that existed in every group, community and society.

Instead of giving you a lecture, I suggest the following points for your consideration and hopefully, you would find them useful to your life as you move forward:

* Ask not what others would do for you but what you would do for others - beggars hardly get respect but the rich and famous often do....
* become more successful (and if possible, rich and famous) if you really want to get more noticed and be taken more seriously
* sometimes, money can help - if you have money and are prepared to spend it, spend it appropriately (legally though) to get you to where you want to be
* Relax a little - life is filled with set-backs and disappointment; you might be 100% right but you do not win every time. the party was supposed to be a fun event and you should do your part to leave it at that
* Know y our position - if you are invited to a party, play guest appropriately - if you are not a VIP guest, do expect star-treatments...
Critizing / bitching about the party is bad manners and might do nothing but get your name ticked off future invitaions...
* Play the game follow the "rules" (or protocol), obviously, you have every right to reject invites or not to buy the ticket (being a non-VIP guest, this is as much right as you would get really)
* If you are serious about doing something (construstively), take positive steps to get more involved at the Pui Shing Alumni Association (or any circles you are involved in), write and ask to hele and if possible, become a member of the executive committee (or whoever position that allows you to help effectively) - put forward proposals and plans to help making the Association a better entity.

I am sorry if my response is not the kind of support you are looking for, but I truly believe that some of the above suggestions would help you to address and provide a solution to issues with better success.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks for reading this far....

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/27/2005 10:30:00 PM


一個冇受尊重的校友:算吧! “Take it easy on yourself.”"Be kind to yourself.”

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/27/2005 5:39:00 PM

致 : 一個冇受尊重的校友(自稱),
Let us sing this song (十個救火的少年).
Cheer up !

城塈蚅@灌救部隊發現 集合在橋邊
實在是危險 報了名便算

靜悄靜悄 便決定轉身竄
罷了罷了 便歸家往後轉

來到這段落祇得七勇士 集合在橋邊
謾罵著離開 這生不願見

在理論裡 沒法滅火跟煙
瞬息之間 葬身於這巨變

就似在怨 用處沒有一點
亂說亂說 愈說祇有愈遠

十減一得九 九減一得八
八減一得七 七減一得六
六減一得五 五減一得四
四減一得三 三減一得二

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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/27/2005 6:32:00 AM

致 : 一個冇受尊重的校友(自稱),

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留言人: 一個冇受尊重的校友
主題: 垃圾音樂會24/12/2005
留言日期: 12/27/2005 4:40:00 AM

I , a member of the charitable concert performer and old student for raising fund for school, am writting to express my point of view about the 24/12 disappointing concert as the following.

First of all , the most unsatisfactory thing was that I almost had no chance to perform although I and my band had made our great effort , preparing 16 songs . This was just caused by the schooling , Student Union ,and Old Student Union s admistration mistakes. One of the performer who were old student and came from " old school ",extremely exceeded the time limit at least 40 minutes ,talking some old days jokes but the host unit did not take any action to inform theese performers that they should finish their part on time . As a result,my group who was the last one , was deprived the performance opportunity.

Moreover, the schooling and the Student Union changed the schedule without any notices such as adding lucky draw. The point was that no one informed us to mininize our songs .This is because lucky draw and other changing such as principal speech and so on that would consumed a lot of time.Consequently our effort become fruitless.

What s more ,I also felt severely disrespected by the host organisation.I do think it is very absurd that thte concert almost was cut out out in the middle of the way at about 11:00p.m by the principal inviting all the teachers to the stage and singing together without planning before.In other words, the host totally did not care my team.I was heard this news from Adrian Lee ,the campaigner.Finally ,I only had 1 minute to play one song with my family member ; still,we were urged to be quick. It seems to warn us dont waste their time.

Changing schedule randomly was also easy to be found;including uninformed opening ceremony and the "principal s good idea". For more example, 60 seconds count down was forced to become 3 seconds count down and the Student Union could not confirm whether some players attended to the concert untile a few days ago.

Futhermore, the organisation was very confusing.The gap of the performance was not smooth leading to time consuming;for the Student Union did not set up a special zone for the performers to stay with. As a result ,the Student Union could not easy contact the players.Ironically,I had ever suggested to suggest to set up a special zone for the players with their relatives. However, my suggestion was dismissed.

In addition,sometimes the Student Union were not on duty since many Student Union members went to the back stage to get Mr Joey Tang s autography and took photo with him.They also played around at back of the hall occasionally,witnessed by me as well as the campaigner Adrian Lee.Still worse, the chairperson of Student Union put off his clothes,dancing on the stage for a few minutes.Because of these,I wonder where the teachers were. As my knowledge ,at least one teacher was in charge of the Student Union.

The another problem was which one should take the responsibility and had authority in charge of the show that was not clear.For instance , the "Old Old Student Society "came up with a idea to hold this programme but they did not give enough support to the Student Union like the "Old Old Student Society "did not helped the Student Union supervise the progress of performers as well as schedule of the programme.On one hand , the Student Union devised the schedule .On the other hand , their affairs could be randomly interfered by schooling. I have ever asked the authorities which unit was respomsible for this programme.The Student Union and the Old Student Society replayed that was Adrian Lee,a member of 'Old Old Student Society".However Adrain Lee said that the Student Union in charge the programme .Mr Poon ,a extra activity club s senior teacher, said he was in charge of the show.Based on this problem, sometimes, nobody took care something because they did not know what they should take responsibility such as rehearsal.

Besides, I am convinced that the authorities lacked enough communication among Student Union, "Old Student Society"and "Old Old Student Society".They often did not know what they were doing mutually especially promotion.

Lastly, I think the schedule was very monotonous. As a audience never expected to listen to monbologue from School Union Chairman , principal and Old Student chairman at the beginning of the show. I also think video film may be too long as the audience expected to listen to live music more than video film. There were no doubt that there would be a adverse effect on the atmosphere.

Worse still, the "Old Old Student Society"also overestimated the number of old school s old students.Indeed ,the majority audience came from new school and most of them were teenagers.However ,from the show started at 8:00p:m to about 11:10pm the players who still played 60s-80s old songs almost without using drum to play what the audience liked.Obviously, it is so boring that over half of the audience leave the concert in the middle of the way.

All in all , the authorities had not enough ability to organise this kind of programme.Maybe,the authorities should not carry out such long hours,about 5 hours. Actually, since my band performance was cut suddenly;unit now nobody tells me what happened and gives me apogology.In my opinion ,the authorities just concern about how much they could raise not me , a old student feeeling.I cannot imagine that' MY LOVE' gave me a such unforgetable Christmas present to me though I dedicated myself to raising fund for my school.

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