| | 留言人: Big Nose 主題: re:re:re:re:re:加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/24/2005 4:38:00 PM
I have sent you an email to the new email address, please check...I hope it gets through okaythis time... I look forward to hearign back from you...
祝安好. Big Nose
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留言人: 馮錦禮 主題: re:re:re:re:加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/24/2005 12:11:00 PM
Big Nose 兄, 電郵網址正確,可能公司技術上有問題.麻煩大哥改用以下電郵: kamlaifung@hotmail.com 祝安好.
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留言人: Big Nose 主題: re:re:re:加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/23/2005 11:58:00 PM
I tried sending you an email twice but received failure messages ... please check and confirm your email address is actually
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留言人: 馮錦禮 主題: re:re:加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/20/2005 2:28:00 AM
Big Nose哥, 小第怎會忘記你穩如鐵塔的後衛.回想當時每天都踢波,快樂無憂.我和錦儀移民已經十五年.98年我曾回港工作三年.合約滿後再返回多倫多.可惜當時並未能同你們駢絡.現時在多倫多的培聖友有:司徒偉雄(馬蹓},司徒慶祥(屎桶),李寶榮(肥榮),張志強(飛仔強).而在溫哥華我有聯絡的是謝德機(蔗汁機).真想可以再同77年的原班校隊一齊踢波.我的電郵是mfungtv@fairchildtv.com.請多多聯絡.
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留言人: Big Nose 主題: re:加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/20/2005 12:45:00 AM
I know who you guys are...this is big nose, we played the same soccer team, I played the left back...
Some of us (soccer / Pui Shing old boy) are still in contact here in HK: Yu Tung Kiu - Snake Chan Ping On - On jai Kwok Chor Sing - Ah Sing Tsang Wai Leung - Mow Jai Leung Tat Man (I believe you guys were close friend and you could be in touch with each other)
Once in a blue moon, we do get together ... if ever you come this way, don't forget to check us out.
If possible, please send me your email address. Where about in TOR are you staying, my brother is also in TOR.
Hear from you soon...
Kind Regards, Big Nose 1977 Pui Shing Old Boy
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留言人: 馮錦禮 主題: 加拿大培聖友 留言日期: 2/14/2005 12:42:00 PM
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