
留言人: Big Nose - 1977校友
主題: re:re:content
留言日期: 10/17/2004 11:13:00 AM


I understand what you are saying; you are right that the information needs to be collected from the old boys or eles the site would not be able to present the details.

However, I was hoping that some programs/initiatives might be organize to work to achieve this objective.

I am a 1977 Pui Shing old boy, I use the name "big nose" as this is the name that I was famous for when I was at Pui Shing, the name other 1977 Pui Shing old boys would recognize more than my real name. I am in contact with a few 1977 Pui Shing old boys and most, if not all, of them still don't know my real name but my nicked name - "big nose". I hope you understand.

Back to the initiative of collecting old boys details, I am more than happy to help, please let me know how.

Thanks for your kind attention.

Wong Tsun Kuen (a.k.a. big nose) 1977 Pui Shing old boy.

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留言人: 校友會梁嘉明
主題: re:content
留言日期: 10/4/2004 11:36:00 AM

各校友(您們)不提供資料予校友會,焉能答覆閣下問題!並祇知閣下稱"Big Nose",何屆畢業?何姓何名也不知?如何覆!來做個堂堂正正之培聖仔!

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留言人: big nose
主題: content
留言日期: 10/1/2004 9:43:00 AM

When will we get more content (e.g. contact names, photos, events, event reports, stories on what some of the old boys are up to... etc etc) on this site?

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