
留言人: Tse Tak Kei--Tai Hop
主題: re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 11/3/2005 10:53:00 AM

Dear Chan,

That's is a good idea, through the media, then we can contact with most of the PS fans in Vancouver, same as Toronto.

Will try in Christmas, the only thing is the Fairchild TV wants to have a 6 weeks notice in advance.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:re:re:Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 11/3/2005 10:49:00 AM

Dear Wing Fai,
You don’t have to say sorry! As a matter of fact you have already done a marvellous job for us (67). We owe you more than anything. Don’t stress out too much on this.
Thanks again!
LS Chan

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留言人: Wingfai Hui
主題: re:re:re:Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 11/3/2005 9:12:00 AM

I sorry for the mismatched.
The old address does not yield any more leads. It belongs Lewey family at least since the late 80s. So they may be the landlord.
However, I found the neighboring address:
5550 26th Ave. South happens to be owned by a person Fong S. Louie. And the Louie family owns this property since the 80s. I am sorry the phone number of Fong is unlisted. I will continue the detective work.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 11/3/2005 6:49:00 AM

Dear Wing fai,
I did call the number above, but the answer was "no such person".
Thank you very much for your effort!
LS Chan

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留言人: Wingfai Hui
主題: re:Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 11/3/2005 2:04:00 AM

A likely match:
Louie, C Frank
5935 24th S Seattle WA 981082950
(206) 760-1619
Age 56
All public records for this person is from 77 to 89.

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留言人: 徐偉斌
主題: Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 11/2/2005 11:30:00 PM

雷齊禎的英文名字是Chai-ching Louie. 雷兄自培聖畢業後, 同赴台灣升學. 畢業回港後不久, 便隨家人移民美國. 最後與他聯絡的地址(約是80年代初)是5544, 26th Ave, South, SEATTLE. 後再寄信這地址已沒有回音.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:To: (徐偉斌) Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 10/27/2005 11:53:00 AM


Dear Brother Ben:
Could you give Torres Hui an update in regards to our lovely Brother (雷齊禎), since you were the only classmate had contacted with him many years ago? Please provide English name and old living address etc.
LS Chan

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留言人: Luen-Sun Chan
主題: re:re:re:re:re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/26/2005 3:32:00 AM

In case, my e-mail: mlschan@hotmail.com

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留言人: Luen-Sun Chan
主題: To: (徐偉斌) Re: 尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 10/26/2005 2:43:00 AM

Dear Brother Ben:
Could you give Torres Hui an update in regards to our lovely Brother Lo, since you were the only classmate had contacted with him many years ago?
LS Chan

PS Brother Hui: Thank you very muich!

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留言人: Luen-Sun Chan
主題: re:re:re:re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/26/2005 2:24:00 AM

Hi Buddy Wai Keung:
Thank you so much!

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留言人: lee wai Keung(72)
主題: re:re:re:re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/26/2005 2:24:00 AM


Publish no public

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留言人: Lee Wai Keung(72)
主題: re:re:re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/26/2005 2:08:00 AM

Luan Sun Si Hing,

Just got an e-mail from Dr. Chiu. Now I got Dr. Lo 's info. Please send me your e-mail address to rwlee@oaklandnet.com then I can forward u that e-mail . Since Chiu Si Hing does not want the info public on the web that I can understand. Sorry for we have to go that route.

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留言人: Hui Wing-Fai
主題: re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗-雷齊禎
留言日期: 10/26/2005 1:32:00 AM

If you can give me more information, like his name in English, I may be able to locate his address from the county records.


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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/25/2005 10:10:00 AM

我明白, 請勿客氣, 我會電郵招大夫的了. 謝謝!

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留言人: 李偉強(72)
主題: re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/25/2005 8:52:00 AM


那晚問過有關盧念慈 校友的消息﹐不過我飲多了﹐ 忘記了答案。對不起。 有煩師兄發電郵給招大夫。chiukw@sbcglobal.net

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/24/2005 12:30:00 AM

更正:加西謝德基大俠才是, 請諒!

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/24/2005 12:23:00 AM

雷齊禎, 盧念慈 和鄺永光, 是我心目中要尋回的同窗.
雷齊禎 - 西雅圖好像有一位師弟叫許永輝的. 在此懇請他如遇見一五十多歲的中年唐人,不防問一句:「你係邊間學校畢業架?」先謝!
盧念慈 - 希望在舊金山聚會中, 招國威有他的消息和近況, 冀望能在此發放.
鄺永光 - 二十多年前林偉業兄與他在 Calgary 相遇, 自此就失去聯絡. 關鴻鈞也未遇見過他.
下一次校友聚會, 一定借助馮錦禮兄的新時代電視, 發放社團簡訊, 籍此希能尋回更多離群的師兄弟妹們.
希望有好消息! 相信加西謝大陜也有同感嗎?
祝工作愉快. 身體安康!


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留言人: 徐偉斌
主題: 尋找他鄉的同窗
留言日期: 10/23/2005 8:46:00 PM

有否知道同班同學雷齊禎的消息. 自後雷公移民美國後, 最初幾年都仍有聯絡, 但後來便失去消息, 他最後的地址是SEATTLE.有否其他校友知其下落.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:re:re:Looking for Chiu Kwok Wai
留言日期: 10/23/2005 9:05:00 AM

上星期從關鴻鈞中知悉盧念慈很久前移居North Dakota州.其時關鴻鈞還在紐約, 招國威曾詢問盧念慈的電話.
知他們連系上. 多年了,關鴻鈞亦移居卡格里(Calgary), 後彼此失去聯絡. 如有消息,定知會各人.

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留言人: 李偉強(72)
主題: re:re:re:Looking for Chiu Kwok Wai
留言日期: 10/23/2005 7:23:00 AM

聯新兄 ﹕

謝 謝 你 ﹐ 應 該 是 招國威﹐ 吧 ﹐ 我 在 培 聖 時 盧念慈回 來 做 書 記 ﹐ ﹐ 後 來 去 了 台 灣 。

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:re:Looking for Chiu Kwok Wai
留言日期: 10/23/2005 7:13:00 AM

又忘了, 今夜問一問黃偉權吧, 他們是同班讀理科的.

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留言人: 陳聯新
主題: re:Looking for Chiu Kwok Wai
留言日期: 10/23/2005 7:07:00 AM

他低我一屆, 我亦託同窗關鴻鈞(加中卡格里市)找尋他.

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留言人: 李 偉 強 (72)
主題: Looking for Chiu Kwok Wai
留言日期: 10/23/2005 6:18:00 AM

有 誰 知 道 Chiu Kwok Wai 的 中 文 名 。 他 是 那 一 年 中 五 畢 業的 ﹖

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