
留言人: 77 Big Nose
主題: Request to the Committee
留言日期: 10/16/2005 12:29:00 PM

Dear Committee,

I would like to put forward a small request and I am sure I represent more than just myself.

I would ask the committee seriously consider:

1. Posting all taken at every event on the forum – in the past, pictures were taken but some never got posted; don’t know what really happened to them
2. Update the names and some form of contact details on the forum so that Pui Shing old boys can make contact with each other – in the past, old boys were asked to provide details but the details never got to see the day light
3. All document released should contain the URL of the Pui Shing old boys web-site – a simple way to promote the site to get more old boys visiting the web-site; then more people would know about the events and hopefully more people would show up.

I am sure the above suggestion would be welcome by much of the Pui Shing boys and demands little effort to achieve, please look into them and hopefully we will see some action shortly.

Thank you for the attention.

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