| | 留言人: Wong Chuen Po - 1973 主題: re:Old Hong Kong Pictures 留言日期: 3/4/2007 9:00:00 AM
老陳, 不知道這些相片曾經上載。有些相片令我回憶童年的往事。相信您也有同感。 順祝您合家豬年快樂,身體健康,萬事如意。 三月十七日見。
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留言人: 老陳 主題: re:Old Hong Kong Pictures 留言日期: 2/28/2007 12:50:00 AM
Hi Brother Philip, As soon as I saw the pictures from this City U of HK web site, I realized that this was the home work assignment which I‘ve done for Miss Chan a few months ago. The assignment was to correct the Chinese characters along with the pictures from an e-mail of her friend. Due to incompatible messaging format conversion in between different e-mail systems, the contents of Chinese explanation for pictures have been corrupted and become garbage. She asked me if I could have time to help because she would like to share them on our PS Alumni Web Site. I took the assignment as I was in the Puishing old days “Yes Madam” and tried my best. I completed most of them and had posted to the Photo Gallery of our Alumni Site. Honestly, I really enjoyed the assignment which has brought back many memories to me when I was in Hong Kong from 50’s till early 70’s. Therefore; I’ve got to say “Thank you! Miss Chan”. Thank you Philip for your great enthusiasm to share this with us, indeed the linked site has the original contents and much easier to browse from the internet.
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留言人: Miss Chan 主題: re:Old Hong Kong Pictures 留言日期: 2/28/2007 12:28:00 AM
相片雖然曾經上載,但解說無今次詳盡,謝謝兩位!有些地方與今天比較,無論怎樣幻想也認不出;但有些地方則依稀仍記得,特別是中區和尖沙咀。 Miss Chan
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留言人: 老陳 主題: re:Old Hong Kong Pictures 留言日期: 2/27/2007 9:50:00 AM
Hi Wong Chuen Po, Glad to see you up here again, Would you like to try our new forum next door? I would love to browse this site http://sweb.cityu.edu.hk/smalngan/hknostalgia.html. See you on 3/17!
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留言人: Wong Chuen Po - 1973 主題: Old Hong Kong Pictures 留言日期: 2/27/2007 9:21:00 AM
I would like to share some Old Hong Kong Pictures that can be found in the following web-site. http://sweb.cityu.edu.hk/smalngan/hknostalgia.html
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