| | 留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 2/13/2007 7:40:00 PM
聯新 Si Hing,
Thanks for making contact with Kenny, I will put the words out and see if we can bring some old boys together to meet up with Kenny.
317 would be convenient; failing that, we will see if other scedule would fit. Thanks again.
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 2/13/2007 12:07:00 PM
大鼻兄: 好消息! 剛和 Kenny Yau 游銘海(72-77年校友) 校友通電, 他將會於二月十六日到港至三月十八日才回多倫多, 所以會臨別秋波參加香港317金豬春茗. 並希望能與77 校友共聚. 不知兄台可否為他安排呢?
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/24/2007 5:19:00 PM
Thanks for running around, I have got your email and I will email Kenny directly. I am sure we will get to do something.
Thanks again,
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/24/2007 6:19:00 AM
大鼻兄, Kenny 今天很忙找不到他. 已電郵他的電郵地址給你. 預祝你們77校友三十年重聚香江.
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/23/2007 12:58:00 PM
大鼻兄: 冇問題, 在電話中他亦說希望能與舊同窗相見,還記得蛇仔,至尊,郭楚昇等波友.如時間許可, 香港或多倫多春茗將會參加. 他於去年加東四十三週年校慶看見多倫多電視台社團簡訊而歸隊. 還帶同太太赴會.連同其餘六位,當晚77校友之眾,盛極一時. 已提他上校友網頁看看.明天再和他詳談.
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/23/2007 10:44:00 AM
Thanks for taking the trouble to contacting 游銘海(Kenny), it would be great if he could join the 317 春茗; but if it okay if he does not get tht time to join.
I wonder if he is in contact with the other 1977 Pui Shing old boys in Canada. Anyway, it woul dbe good if he can get in touch with us and that I can send him a list of 1977 Pui Shing old boys we have "found" and if 他亦將於年廿八左右回港; we would love to have a gathering when he is here to "dust him down"
Thanks again for your assistance in tracking down one more 1977 old boy, cheers.
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/23/2007 10:03:00 AM
大鼻兄, 剛致電游銘海(Kenny), 他問我怎知道他將回港. 我告訴他你看見春茗報名名單有Kenny Yau是77校友而欲想聯系. 他奇怪地說沒有報名.而他亦將於年廿八左右回港一個月.Kenny Yau77校友會否另有其人呢? 真是一個謎.
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/23/2007 5:16:00 AM
大鼻兄, 我知道多倫多77年校友游銘海英文名叫Kenny.和馮錦儀同班.不知他是否三月回港呢? 讓我今天致電他再告訴你.
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/22/2007 6:23:00 PM
All the Pui Shing old boys who are playing football with us have been supporting 春茗 and much other Pui Shing activities previously and I am we would provide as much support to the 317 春茗 this year.
I will certainly remind the Si Hings NOT to book a match that conflicts with the 317 春茗 this year.
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留言人: 小薯仔 主題: re:Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/22/2007 5:35:00 PM
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留言人: Big Nose 1977 主題: Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 留言日期: 1/22/2007 5:12:00 PM
I see Kenny Yau 72-77年校友 has registered to join the 317 dinner; I am curious this is "游柱強" - if you are please get in touch; much of us 1977 Pui Shing old boys are looking for you.
Even if you are not "游柱強"; please do also get in touch; as I am sure us 1977 Pui Shing old boys are keen to get in touch with you too.
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