| | 留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:友誼之光 留言日期: 1/13/2007 10:00:00 AM
自溫市起至回港,遇見多年不見和素未謀面的師友,父母親,兄弟姊妹, 親戚朋友,母校校長,老師和師弟妹等.每次聚會後心情十分興奮.回味悠長的話語.小不免也未能如期入睡. 心中開心之情,千言萬語也道之不盡. 願友誼之光藉校友會帶給各人一顆永恆之星.
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留言人: 李忠榮 主題: re:友誼之光 留言日期: 1/13/2007 8:55:00 AM
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留言人: 頂爺 主題: re:友誼之光 留言日期: 1/13/2007 3:51:00 AM
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: 友誼之光 留言日期: 1/13/2007 3:29:00 AM
各位美西,加西和在港師友, 十多年前走過加州海岸的一號公路, 便以為沿海岸線可直達溫哥華. 我這隻井底之蛙, 又再使你們重陷一頭霧水之中. 罪過!罪過! 多蒙各位施以冀望共聚之聲, 還有頂爺獻上肥媽的友誼之光. 歌詞恰好道出這「一頭霧水」內各人的心聲. 謝謝頂爺! 謝謝各位!
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留言人: Edward Li 主題: re:代香港校友送比大師兄 留言日期: 1/12/2007 11:24:00 PM
Thank you 頂爺 providing this musical web site, and very kind of you 送 友誼之光 比大師兄 .
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留言人: 頂爺 主題: re:代香港校友送比大師兄 留言日期: 1/12/2007 1:00:00 PM
再送上音樂唔話得喇掛﹗ http://www.in106.com/friend/SA9.htm
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留言人: 頂爺 主題: re:代香港校友送比大師兄 留言日期: 1/12/2007 11:30:00 AM
人生于世上有几個知己 多少友誼能長存 今日別离共你雙雙兩握手 友誼常在你我心里 今天且要暫別 他朝也定能聚首 縱使不能會面 始終也是朋友 說有万里山隔阻兩地遙 不需見面心中也知曉 友誼改不了
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留言人: 沛少 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/11/2007 2:09:00 PM
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留言人: 有心人 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/11/2007 10:30:00 AM
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留言人: 頂爺 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/11/2007 9:32:00 AM
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留言人: 許永輝 (80) 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/11/2007 9:01:00 AM
Hello 陳聯新"米高"校友,
Thanks for the greeting! I am sorry I didn't know the gathering ahead of time. In fact, my family and I were in Richmond that night. But, I am sure we will meet someday. My younger sister lives in Toronto, Ont., area. I will call on you there next time.
Nowaday, it is no sure place of too far away anymore. See, we are chatting on the same page now.
"一號公路", do you mean California 1 Highway which also is US 101.
許永輝 (80)
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留言人: Ng wai chung吳偉聰 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 2:29:00 PM
In 70's, I played " Master mind". Do you remember this game ?
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留言人: 頂爺 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 1:00:00 PM
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留言人: 也是培聖人 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 10:27:00 AM
各位各位﹐鹹魚青菜﹐各有所好﹐點解一定要人食鹹魚或青菜呢?何為真﹖何為假﹖重要嗎﹖搞不好﹐好幾個Steve(70),同三五七個Gary Leung '70一齊出現﹐個時又點算呢?
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 4:53:00 AM
黎錫初校友, 謝謝! 若有機會到聖地牙哥一遊, 定必拜會閣下的.
許永輝校友, 你好! 年前你問及那"米高"住在何方? 現不用別名, 就告訴你"米高"正是我.想你或許已猜到的了. 更多謝你為曄社出力尋找同窗. 聖誕回港前在溫哥華也渴望你能到溫市一聚的. 可能留言不明顯. 不過總有機會吧. 希望有一天從溫哥華駕車去西雅圖探你,再沿一號公路去三藩市探李偉強等人,再下羅省探區沛林和李忠榮.再落聖地牙哥探黎錫初. 多好呢!
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 3:27:00 AM
陳聯新 When are you coming down to southern california to enjoy the sunshine?San Diego is a vacation land for many Canadian snowbirds. We have many wonderful beautiful tourist attractions ie. San Diego Zoo,Wild Animal Park, Sea World, Legoland and proximity to Mexico, Los Angeles and Disneyland. Give me a call if you do come for a visit.
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留言人: Wing-Fai Hui (80) 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 3:19:00 AM
So, Steve (70),
What is your chinese name anyway?
Wing-Fai Hui (80)
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 2:57:00 AM
Sorry, 426 I don't agree with you one hundred percent. This website is only visited by our friends who are mainly our PS alumni and their relatives or friends. Unlike other websites whose visitors are unknown to them. Would you use alias in your family or school gatherings? I don't mind if you use alias when you are posting something that is very controversial either in political point of view or moral issue. If you are describbing your special activity either with our alumni or the current students still in school I would prefer you to use the name that I know from the pictures uploaded to this website. It would be much better if anyone of you enclose the year of Middle 5 graduation after your name, an idea suggested by 李偉強 (72) . I know some of you use Middle 6 graduation year instead ie. gary leung(70). To alleviate this confusion we should agree on using Middle 5 as the standard year because many of you did not attend Middle 6 in PS.
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留言人: Gary Leung '70 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 2:15:00 AM
陳聯新, YEN Chun Man, Steve(70)
You said my words. In the physcial world, knowing the identity of those whom you communicate is essential for understanding and evaluating an interesting, especial in our alumni blog. It is easy to imagine why people use aliases or fasle names: they have handicap in self-presentation, reputation and responsibility.
Gary Leung '70 Sacramento, Ca
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留言人: 中glish 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 2:05:00 AM
用真名字﹐說的話都可以是假﹔ 用假名字﹐很多說話可以是真。
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留言人: EDWARD LI 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/10/2007 1:16:00 AM
It is not necessary to use 真姓. Many writers and movie stars use name associated their character. However, people use other name in internet because of fear of exposition of identity. As long as he only use one specific name like little potato represented that person. My associated thinking of little potato is chinese cartoon"LO Fu Gee & Ta Fan Shu" so he must be young and energetic. Nowaday, insecurity is a word emmbeded in our heart because of internal fear. For that reason 真姓 & fake name are welcome to use in this web site.
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留言人: 426 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/9/2007 11:10:00 PM
網上文化就係咁,用乜名留言,悉隨尊便,Is it all Greek to you?無所謂啦!
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留言人: 陳聯新 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/9/2007 10:34:00 PM
黎校友,你好! 你說得很有道理. 從現再起我留言少用別名, 算是我2007年定的新年大計.多好呢!
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留言人: YEN Chun Man 主題: re:一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/9/2007 1:47:00 PM
Totally agree ! It is all Greek to me and someone else
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留言人: steve(70) 主題: 一頭霧水 留言日期: 1/9/2007 1:28:00 PM
各位校友 你們在這裡留字可否採用真名嗎?如果你描寫的事是與其他校友一同的活動例如是飲茶打波旅行或吃飯之日常事,可用真姓名我們在海外之輩都想知道那個亞茂與亞叔有甚麽联絡. 如果你們寫的是政治敏感的題目則作別論.你們的感想如何?
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