
留言人: stevelai(70)
主題: old flame
留言日期: 1/12/2007 5:43:00 AM

Why are guys so hung up with the idea of keeping in touch of your old flame(s)? I don't see any thing wrong in keeping the relationship as long as you don't cross the forbidden line. In this case your girl friend is also an acquaintance of your family members there is no reason for you to keep this a secret from your wife if your marriage is strong and can stand any adversaries that may come.

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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/12/2007 4:36:00 AM

Big Nose - 1977
Thank you for relfecting your view, there is always no "Right" or "Wrong" answer except in the academic examination. I do believe we can have "white lies" at the right time. The most important thing is that you don't hurt your love one.
All the best !

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/11/2007 1:37:00 PM

Honesty sometimes can be dangerous; I am not suggesting to lie but totally honest about past relationships to the other half is not something I subscribe to; what is the point of discussing past relationships anyway; to get to know each other better? It is just not worth the risk - I believe more in what you don't know, doesn't hurt (not as much anyway); it is better left unsaid in my view.

Anyway, whatever works for you; good luck to you!

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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/11/2007 1:02:00 PM

Though it is not common in the real world but you may be aware of the old saying "Even though we can't be a married couples but we still can be a friend". My wife who has a open mind, never cares less of what happened in the past as long as I tell her the truth. Is it the way to keep the marriage life secure and happy ? At least, it works on me.
LIfe in the big city ? I don't have much feeling about it. I guess, I would say working for the Federal public service is very competitive (compete with the newly graduated), I have to meet the benchmark/target (part of the performance assessment) to the next pay point. Luckily, in the past decades, I always exceed the benchmark (don't believe people telling me that the more you do the more they expect from you). Not because I am a "smart" person as I have been auditing independently, the management is only worried the number of cases I do and any complaints from the industry.

I have just finished an audit, it was 41c at where I audited - Sydney West (70 km from CBD)
Ooooo ! burning hot

Anyway, talk to ya later

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留言人: Gary Leung '70
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/11/2007 7:12:00 AM

Yen Chun Man,

It is nice to talk to you here because my office clock would be able to move a little fast.
So your ex still occupied part of your live. That is interesting and not uncommon. Because we all think our first , real, romantic love will last forever. As I said to 李潤強(our alumnae, he was my neighbor in HK) that "You must leave your first lover but never forget"

So you live in Sydney Australia, how is the daily life down under there(we always say this to Aussie)?
The Sydney web page says to-days' temp is 29C, it makes us North Americans jealous. We are in the middle of the bitter cold winter, and in Sacramento the temp is 5C right now.
Hey Can we know you more?

Gary Leung '70
Sacramento, Ca

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留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/11/2007 1:17:00 AM


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留言人: Ng wai chung吳偉聰
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/11/2007 12:54:00 AM

The man says that 花不催亦殘, 試問有何可惜? 珍惜眼前花吧。
Maybe, The woman says that 黃臺之瓜,哪堪再摘!

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留言人: 頂爺
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/11/2007 12:49:00 AM


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留言人: 頂爺
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/11/2007 12:37:00 AM


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留言人: stevelai(70)
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/11/2007 12:24:00 AM

Hey big nose 1977
Glad to see you write it in Chinese. This is the first.
Keep it up! Man

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留言人: big nose 1977
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 9:04:00 PM

花不催亦殘, 試問有何可惜? 珍惜眼前花吧。

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留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 3:47:00 PM

以為是個惜花者,卻原來是個催花客。花殘滿地。可惜!可惜! :-)

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留言人: 頂爺
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 2:10:00 PM

「上古八千歲,才是一春秋。不應此日,剛把七十壽君侯。看取垂天雲翼,九萬里風在下,與造物同遊。君欲計歲月,當試問莊周。 」

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留言人: Ng wai chung吳偉聰
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 1:49:00 PM


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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 1:15:00 PM


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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/10/2007 10:53:00 AM

Thanks Gary for your interest. The girl is now a celebrity in the film industry but she is not a movie star. My family is still keeping contact with her. There is no secrecy in my marriage life, my spouse knows all my so called "love" story.
Anyway, it is nice to chat with you, hope to meet you one day, or I may have already known you !

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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂 - Gary Leung
留言日期: 1/10/2007 10:53:00 AM

Thanks Gary for your interest. The girl is now a celebrity in the film industry but she is not a movie star. My family is still keeping contact with her. There is no secrecy in my marriage life, my spouse knows all my so called "love" story.
Anyway, it is nice to chat with you, hope to meet you one day, or I may have already known you !

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留言人: Gary Leung '70
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/10/2007 4:52:00 AM

YEN Chun Man

Another love story.
Do you have a happy ending with your female friend? We want to hear more.
We are waiting.

Gary Leung '70
Sacramento, Ca

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留言人: 沛少
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/9/2007 1:00:00 PM


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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/9/2007 11:23:00 AM

Sorry, I was in a hurry to type up the previous message before I went off to do an audit. It should be "admitted" not "admissed" (don't know why)

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留言人: Gary Leung'70
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/9/2007 8:12:00 AM

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留言人: YEN Chun Man
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/9/2007 6:34:00 AM

I missed out the good time with those who studied in universities in Taiwan. I remember, I was admissed to the National Taiwan University (Major in English) in August 1974. How excited I was at that moment. I was ready to go with one of my female friends but the migration to Australia was approved as well. My dad didn't want me to keep up with the beautiful Taiwanese girls and wanted me to go to Sydney ASAP.
There is it, this is how I end up living in Sydney.

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留言人: 沛少
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/9/2007 4:06:00 AM


記得當年有五、六 名學長在台北嘉興街合租一公寓,每逢週末大批「培聖仔」都慕名而來,吹吹「風」、打打「排」,成為培聖仔大本營!「老爸」黃陞光更是我們精神領袖,組織台灣培聖校友會,辦「松竹」會刊,每年搞迎新、送舊活動.....等,物質非很富裕,但四年旅台生活是豐足的!

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留言人: 有心人
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/7/2007 4:58:00 PM


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留言人: Edward Li
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/7/2007 2:30:00 PM

有心人: What did you like the food while you were in Taiwan? I like the chinese wrap pastry with dougnut in the morning and baby osyter with vermicelli in thick soup in late afternoon. I can't find the same quality of those food in Vancouver. You had been there for a few years and do you understand the Taiwanese language? My first visit to Taiwan was in 1974 when the president passed away and I hired a guide taking me around the island.

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留言人: 有心人
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/7/2007 12:55:00 PM


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留言人: 永輝(83)
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/6/2007 11:33:00 AM

明代考場設有"出恭入敬"牌, 防考生擅離考場.
"解手"一詞就輾轉流傳了, 而"大解"和"小解"的意思相信大家都意會得到是什麼意思吧!

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留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/3/2007 4:29:00 AM


重有你講個出恭牌好得意,好似啲醫務所嘅 washroom 鎖匙,上面掛住一個大牌,男嘅藍色,女嘅紅色。睇嚟小小一抽鎖匙,原來大有來由喎!

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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰
主題: 唱喏
留言日期: 1/3/2007 12:19:00 AM

出声回答;古人见尊长,双手作揖,口念颂辞,叫做唱喏或声喏 [fang[口]]

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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/3/2007 12:15:00 AM

Miss Chan

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留言人: 85-董偉業
主題: 新年快樂
留言日期: 1/2/2007 11:31:00 PM


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留言人: 黎克
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/2/2007 11:12:00 PM

「唱喏」學自西遊記,喏者應答聲也。阿聰,小薯仔都是唱家班兼Miss Chan愛徒,老師吹BB,弟子自然唯唯喏喏........。
「出恭」嘛,古稱排毒今value added排毒美顏。國語辭典--明代考試設有出恭入敬牌,士子如廁通便,須先領牌,故稱通便為出恭。且稱大便為大恭,小便為小恭。元˙鄭光祖˙三戰呂布˙第三折:兩匹馬滾在一處,我要下馬出恭。文明小史˙第三十五回:毓生急急的要去出恭,託悔生暫時照應店面。

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留言人: 九萬里
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/2/2007 5:01:00 PM



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留言人: 陸國康
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/1/2007 4:16:00 PM


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留言人: Ng wai chung吳偉聰
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/1/2007 12:34:00 AM

四年前的大除夕,本人在金鐘太古廣埸,第一次和鬼仔鬼妹一起倒數,西人過新年真是玩得很瘋狂。在場內還有梅艷芳及其好友,所以,人生苦短,要及時行樂,好好珍惜身邊的一切,盡快補做一些,過往很想做,但尚未做的東西,生命無take two. 祝願各位身体健康!Happy new year !

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留言人: Ng wai chung吳偉聰
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/1/2007 12:32:00 AM

四年前的大除夕,本人在金鐘太古廣埸,第一次和鬼仔鬼妹一起倒數,西人過新年真是玩得很瘋狂。在場內還有梅艷芳及其好友,所以,人生苦短,要及時行樂,好好珍惜身邊的一切,盡快補做一些,過往很想做,但尚未做的東西,不生命無take two. 祝願各位身体健康!Happy new year !

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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/1/2007 12:26:00 AM

Miss Chan

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留言人: Luen Sun Chan
主題: re:新年快樂
留言日期: 1/1/2007 12:18:00 AM

Just finished Count Down.
Happy New Year Hong Kong 2007

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留言人: 黎克
主題: 新年快樂
留言日期: 12/31/2006 11:59:00 PM


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