
留言人: Edward Li
主題: re:Retirement
留言日期: 11/12/2006 11:26:00 AM

First, you have to determine your saving is enough for basic living + activities. The activities is based on individual life style. If you are not sure, it is better to work part-time or by contract basis to cut down constantly work pressure.

To me, I don't have enough money for my activities if I am retire now.(dining out, entertainment, travelling)

After you meet all the criteria, you can work one day as a voluntee contributing your talents to community. Find out what is your favorite hobby and
plan to keep your health in good shape. These are
your choices that are suitable to your desires.

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留言人: Old Man at 50
主題: Retirement
留言日期: 11/12/2006 9:13:00 AM

At the age of 50, I felt my working pressure is growing. It takes me longer time to make business decision or complete my work tasks. Life is short and I am considering to retire earlier than the orignial plan (i.e. retire at 55). I do not have financial problem to retire at this age of 50, but I do not know what to do and how to spend my leisure time after I retire. Should I retire at this age of 50 or continue working for 5 or 10 more years? Should I change my job to an junior position with less working presure ? I would like to share your opinion on early retirement.

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