| | ¯d¨¥¤H: ¤E¸U¨½ ¥DÃD: re:¤¤¦@§Q¥ÎÀN^ªF«ü³À¬°°¨·d²Î¾Ô¡I ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/9/2006 3:41:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H1000 ¥DÃD: ¤¤¦@§Q¥ÎÀN^ªF«ü³À¬°°¨·d²Î¾Ô¡I ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/9/2006 2:22:00 AM
»´ä¤H¦pªG¨º»òÃÙ¦P¤¤¦@¬FÅv¡A¾H¤p¥¦ó¶··d¡§¤@°ê¨â¨î¡¨©M¡§¤¤Q¦~¤£ÅÜ¡¨³oºØ¯îÂÕªº¡§¸Ñ¨M¤èªk¡¨©O¡H¾H¤p¥´N¬Oª¾¹D¡A»´ä¤H¦³¦Û¥Ñ¤¤°ê¤Hªº¥¿±`»ùÈÆ[¡A¤~»¡§Æ±æ¡§§ÚÌn¨î³y¥|¤QÓ»´ä¡¨¡A·N«ä¬On¤¤¦@ªº¤@¨î¦V»´ä©M¥ºtÅÜ¡A³Ì²×¥þ°ê¥u¦³¤@¨î¡A´N¬O¦Û¥ÑÓ¤H¥D¸qªÀ·|ªº¤@¨î¡C¬JµM©Ó»{»´ä¤H¦³»´ä¤Hªº¤@®M»ùÈÆ[¡A´NÀ³¸Óª¾¹D¡A¤µ¤Ñªº¤¤¦@¡AÉÃDµo´§¡A§â³oÓ§¹¥þ¦]¬°§Q¯q¦Ó¾a¨«¨pº|µ|¡A«q¶Ã¤¤°êªºÃa¤HÀN^ªF¤j¥[ªí´¡A³o¤£´N¬O¤½µM¬D¾Ô¦Û¥ÑªÀ·|ùتº¤HÃþ¡A«H©^·R°ê·RªÀ·|·R¦Û¥Ñªkªv¡A¸Û¹ê¦uªk¡A¤Ï¹ï±M¨î¬FÅv¡A¤Ï¹ï¶ÂªÀ·|¯µ±K¬F©²¾Þ§@µ¥»ùȶܡH ¦ý¡A¤¤¦@´N¬On¤½µM«ü³À¬°°¨¡An¦b»´ä¶i¦æ¡§·R°ê±Ð¨|¡¨¡An¥þ»´ä¦~»´¤H¬Ý¦b²´ùØ¡An¥ĻѰO¡A³o»´äªº¤@¨î¡A¤~¬O¤HÃþªÀ·|¥¿±`¥Í¦s©Mµo®iªº¤@®M¡A¤Ï¦Ón»´ä¦~»´¤H±µ¦¬¾H¤p¥·Q©ñ±ó«o±ý½}¤£¯àªº¤@®M¡C ¤¤¦@ªº¤@®M¡AYªG¬O¥¿½Tªº¤HÃþ¥Í¦s¤§¹D¡A¬°¤°»ò¦@²£ÄÒ±M¬F¥H¨Ó¡A¤H¥Á±q¥¼¹L¹L´X¤Ñ¦n¤é¤l©O¡H´Nºâ¤µ¤Ñªº©Ò¿×¡§¸gÀÙµo®i¡¨¡A¤]¤£¹L¬O¦b·¥«×»G±Ñªº©U§£°ïùتº½´«k¡A®Ú¥»¤£¬O°·±dªº¥Í¬¡¤è¦¡°Ú¡I ©Ò¥H¡A¤¤¦@³o¼Ë¦b»´ä§Q¥Î¦l°ÓÀN^ªFªº¦º°µ¬Fªv¦Ã¬V¡A¥ø¹Ï»XÄF»´ä¤H¥Á¡A®Ú¥»´N¬O¹ï»´ä¤Hªº³Ì¤j²Û°d¡I¤j®aÀY¸£n²M¿ô¨Ç°Ú¡I
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¤E¸U¨½ ¥DÃD: ÀN¦ÑÆF°óªá°é»P¤¤¥¡»â¾ÉÅv¤O¦æ±¡¤§§óºò±KÃö«Y ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/8/2006 2:19:00 PM
³o¤S¬O¯S°Ï°ê±¡±Ð¨|»P³qÃÑ敎¨|¥²×ªº³¹¸`¡C¯S°Ïªº¤¤¡B¤p¾Ç¦Ñ®v¥i¯àÁÙ¥¼¦³³oºØ sense¡A¦ý¤£¥i¤£ª¾¡A¨CÓ¤H³£À³¸Óª¾¡A³o¬O¯S°Ï±Ð¨|ªº«nºc¦¨³¡¤À¡Cn§i¶D§A¡A³oºØ¨£·Lª¾µÛ¦¡ªº¤¤°ê°ê±¡³q³ø¾÷¨î¡AÄÝ¥²×¡A¤£¥i¤£¾Ç¡C
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 3:39:00 PM
It is difficult if meaningful to analyze what would have happened if things were different.
Never assume as it would make an ass out of you and me...
If you were to assume this and that might or might not have happened, equally; I can also assume other possibilities that might or might not have happened...that would have changed the history ...
Personally, it desn't really matter to me either way. He might have done good or bad but as far as I am concern, he has done nothing for me direclty. I might or might not have indirectly benefited from things he did. Either way, it doesn't bother me at all.
I do, however, find it strange that some people would make all sorts of remarks about Mr. Fok as if he knew him and all the things Mr. Fok had done...especially those passing bad remarks about Mr. Fok; I really doubt if they really know much about him, the background, the rationale, the politics etc etc to pass any valid comment...
Then again, this world is filled with people who know very little but present themselves as experts ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: steve ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 2:41:00 PM
¸ÜÂॿÃD,¥H¥»¤H¤§·N¨£¨Ó¨¥,¹ï©óÀN^¨Ó¤§±p¦³³d¦h©óÆg.ì¦]¦p¤U: ¦pªG¤£¬O¥L·t¤¤°½¹Bìªo¨ì¤j³°À°§U¥_´ÂÂA§Ü¬ü°ê¤Î«nÁú,²{¦b´N¤£·|²£¥Í¥_Áúªº³o¼Ë·¥Åv°ê®a.¦pªGÁú°ê¬O¤£¤À«n¥_¤§¤À,¥¦·|¤ñ¤é¥»§ó±j¤j.¤é夲¥J´N¤£·|¿W¦û¤é¥»®üªºÀu¶Õ§â§Ú国¦hÓ®qÀ¬¦û¬°¤w¦³.Áú国¹ï¤¤°ê¬O¯u¤ßªº¥µ¥¹ï«Ý,¤£¹³¤é¥»ªº°²·NÞzÞz.¤j³°ªº§Ü¬ü´©´Â¨Ï§Ú°ê¦PM¶Ë¤`ºG«,¸ê·½ºÉªf.§ó¦b»PĬ联¦Ñ¤jô¤ÏÁy«ánÁÙ¥Xª÷¿ú»P¹Â³µ¹¥_·¥ºA,¥H¨ì¤¤°ê¤H¥Á³s¿Ç¤l³£¨S¦³,¸ô¦³á¦º°©¤§W³B.§AÌ»¡ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦n³B¬O¦ó¦b©O?..¥LÀ°§U»´äªº¨¬²y¨Æ·~¤Î«á¥b¥Í³£¦³°µÀ³°µ¤§¨Æ.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 1:42:00 PM
Have you ever thought about §Yª£ may be even better for you?
I can tell you are not happy working there anyway; why holding on to something that is making you miserable and your life like a living hell?
I am sure, for whatever reasons, you would want to hold onto teh job; and let someone else help to release you from hell ... good luck to you!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:09:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:07:00 PM
I tried looking up the dictionary and couldn't find the meanng of "save,°Ù¨T" ...
Is "save" English or Chinese? Does ܾe not support the Chinese equivalnet of "save"? Why did you type English and not Chinese?
Oh dear, ¦Ñ§| doesn't want to play any more ... don't be so "little air" la ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 11:46:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 11:16:00 AM
Never try to teach a duck how to xxxx ...
I bet you might not have heard of this expression in your life ... try looking it up in the Oxford Dict ... haha ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose1 977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 11:13:00 AM
Big Nose: why are you still acting like a fool!? what are you trying to prove here? Just look at your last post, if you hold such high standards; how come your Chinese is so appalling? Do you write like that at work? ¤å¥ó®Ñ«H´N¤£®e¦³¿ù - it depends what kind of ¤å¥ó®Ñ«H, right? We are not talking about legal agreements here, are we?
¥i¯à§A¤½¥qn¨Dø°ª©j,ø¥Nªí¨ä¥L¤½¥q³£¤@¼Ë - exactly, horses for courses, why do you insist people write the way you want them to write? After all, who are you? All I know is that you are just a not-so-successful worker working (or used to work) for Mr. Fok's group. A pathetic lonely soul who lives in a cage (fuguratively speaking)...
Like I said, go and read your dictionary and stop beating the drums about 5Ó¥y«¬ ... you are boring and so naive ... why don't you go to England and see how successful your 5Ó¥y«¬ is in the land of the English speaking nation?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 11:04:00 AM
You might think my English is not up to the Oxford standard, ???????
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 10:49:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 10:37:00 AM
Why do you insist on people typing in Chinese? Why do you insist on people writing Oxford style English? Hey, if you want to learn "better" English; fine, do it some place else. I do not believe this forum is designed for English improvement. At least, do not come bitching about this and that. We are living in 2006 and teh world has changed from stone ages. Communication takes different form and different style. You can remain in a cage and refuse to change; it is up to you. To me, the key of communication is understanding. Everyone makes typo errors and so long it is understood; do we need to be perfect? If you do not understand, is it neccesary someone else's problem?
¦Ñ§|, I have been working for a long time and I always have a non-Chinese boss (who speaks and writes in English only). You might think my English is not up to the Oxford standard, but you are naive to suggest that one would get to keep a job by Oxford style English. Come to think of it, I am convinced that you are very naive and are none too successful with your career. I have been in my current job for 10 years and my boss is an American - come what may, my English can not be as bad as you think.
Besides, there are different forms and style in writing. Oxford style writing is rather academic luxury as in the real world, people hardly write in such a style.
Continue to read the dictionary if you it makes you happy; and when you are done with Oxford style English, try reading a book or two on Business Writing skill. Also, do you speak English? I am inclined to believe that you cannot speak the language. This makes you nothing more than like a moron; holding a Oxford book; telling people off about how bad their English is. Do you know how pathetic you are?
Just don't come bitching and critizing others about their English or whatever else. There is no reason for you, or anyone to come around and spoiling fun for others, right? Think about it.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 10:12:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: steve(70) ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 9:52:00 AM
I did not say your grammar is wrong. What I said was you used the wrong examples to illustrate your point. If you paid more attention to my posting you would understand more.Sometimes if I am in a hurry like before going to work in the morning I just typed in English rather that in Chinese because I hate to say it:writing in English is more efficient than Chinese. Mr. Li if you want to start a friendly argument, you should read the previous posts before putting your foot in your mouth. It was someone else who started the sidetracking on the main subject, not me. Have a nice day.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 9:38:00 AM
«§¥s¤åªk,ªk¬O¦³³W½d,ø«Y¶Ã¼g,they stop to eat ¦Pthey stop eating ´N«Y§¹¥þ2¥y¤£¦Pªº·N«ä©M¤åªk,²Ä¤@¥y¬O²Ä¤@¥y«¬,s+vi,²Ä2¥y¬O²Ä2¥y«¬ s+vt+o, ·N«ä·Qªí¹F¥X¨Ó¬O§¹¥þ¤£¦P·N«ä.øÃÑ´N«Yn¾Ç....
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 8:54:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Edward Li ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 7:35:00 AM
It is very strange phenomenon here talking about Old Folk's dead had shifted to the topic of English grammer. If you really believe your English is better than others, you could write a passage in English telling us about your view on Mr. OLd Folk.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: steve(70) ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 3:45:00 AM
Strictly speaking the phrase "They buy a pen to me " is incorrect unless your friends keep buying pens to you daily but who would want to do that? The grammar may be correct but the logic is not. It should be " They bought a pen to me." or "They will buy a pen to me." or "They are going to buy a pen to me."But the following is correct: They cook a meal for me daily.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H1000 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 3:00:00 AM
³s¡§¤¤¦@¡¨³o¼Ë¤]¥s±j°ê¡A¬Æ¤\½kÒ\ÂΪº²z½×¡H±j°êÁÙ¶·¤Ñ¤Ñ¤j¥sn¡§ºc«Ø©M¿ÓªÀ·|¡¨¡A¤j¥sn¡§©M¥±U°_¡¨¶Ü¡H·í¦~Y¤¤¦@¬FÅv¤£Ã¡Aµ²ªG³Q¢¸Ñ´²¡A´N¨S¦³«á¨Óªº¤T¤Q¦~¡§Ãöªù¥´¥J¡¨ªº¡§ªÀ·|¥D¸q§ï³y¡¨¡A´N¤£·|¾j¦º°«¦º¨º»ò¦h¤H¥Á¡A¤£¥Î®ö¶O´X¤Q¦~µo®i®É¶¡¡A¤µ¤Ñªº¤¤°ê¡A¤@©w¦´N¤w¸g¬O¥@¬É¥D¨¤«Ü¤[¤F¡I ÀN¦Ñ¬O¦l°Ó¤@¦W¡A¨ä¥L¬Æ¤\³£¤£¬O¡I
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:44:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:41:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:40:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Little Cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:37:00 AM
Lo Hang, Please read carefully before you copy something and paste. See the following quote:
1.subject + vt + object ex:I love you. 2.subject + vi ex:They stoped .....Should be 'stopped' 3.subject + vi + prep ex:He listen to the radio....Should be 'listens' 4a.subject + vi + ¤H + ª« ex:They buy me a pen 4b subject + vi + ª« + to ¤H ex: They buy a pen to me 5.subject + (verb to be) + complement ex: He is a boy. ©Ò¥H°µ¨ì¦Ñ,¾Ç¨ì¦Ñ,øÃÑ´Nn¸É²ß...this is right!!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:36:00 AM
©ú¤Ñ½Ð±Ð¤U§Aªº¦Ñ®vÌ let's go and find an English speaking (mother tongue) person, and let him/her be the judge of whether your or my English is better. The loser will buy dinner. ³o¥y¸Ü¦P§Úè¤~¤Þz¤û¬z¦r¨å,¦³«§¿ù¥ýÁ¿°Õ.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:36:00 AM
Sure, little cat, I am just getting a bit bored with this ¦Ñ§| anyway...
Let's get some sleep and rest ... catch you later..
By the way, ¦Ñ§|, Little and I are two different bodies, though our mind may be as one ... try figuring this out ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:33:00 AM
for a brief moment, I thought you were funny.
Seriously, is that all you can do, just throw me a few quotes from a book? Oh dear, am I taking exams here?
Here is my challenge to you:
let's go and find an English speaking (mother tongue) person, and let him/her be the judge of whether your or my English is better. The loser will buy dinner.
Deal or no deal? put up or shut up?
If you need more time to read a few more books, I can wait (for up to a month).
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:33:00 AM
Big Nose,ø¨Ï¿EµÈªk,¹ï§Ú¤wÉN¥Î¤F,§Ú¦¤w¬Ý¯}¬õ¹Ð
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:31:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: little cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:29:00 AM
To: Big Nose Let 'Lo Hang' go...he could not say anything more, but just pick up some grammer mistake from what you wrote even he could not point out what your English is wrong.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:27:00 AM
§A¥ý¾Ç¥ª«§¥s5Ó¥y«¬¥ý°Õ. ¾Ú¤û¬z¦r¨å²Ä¥|ª©¤Þz,¥¿½Tªº^¤å¤åªk¬O¦³°ò¥»ªº5Ó¥y«¬,µ´¤j³¡¥÷¥yªk³£¬O¥Ñ³o¤Þ¥Ó¥X¨Óªº. 1.subject + vt + object ex:I love you. 2.subject + vi ex:They stoped 3.subject + vi + prep ex:He listen to the radio. 4a.subject + vi + ¤H + ª« ex:They buy me a pen 4b subject + vi + ª« + to ¤H ex: They buy a pen to me 5.subject + (verb to be) + complement ex: He is a boy. ©Ò¥H°µ¨ì¦Ñ,¾Ç¨ì¦Ñ,øÃÑ´Nn¸É²ß
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:27:00 AM
I am sure your best is probably §ê«l and not «l ... don't worry, no one can tell you are §ê«l as you are nowhere near «l, no matter how hard you try ... don't over-estimate yourself ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:25:00 AM
I was just impressed that you can read my words, you even picked up the mistakes ... wow, at least I can tell you are not visually different from normal ...
I would not tell someone he is wrong without back up; even a sick puppy can talk empty ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:21:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:19:00 AM
I am sure your English is better, care to show me where I went wrong? if you can...please?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:17:00 AM
Big Nose: as if you know me at all!! Besides, what wrong with ¦Û¤vn¨D¤Ó§C? I am hurting no one, and if I am happy, what is it to you or anyone §A¤S¼g¿ù¤åªk¤F.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:16:00 AM
Big Nose 1977,§A¦Û¤vn¨D¤Ó §C¤F. Big Nose: as if you know me at all!! Besides, what wrong with ¦Û¤vn¨D¤Ó§C? I am hurting no one, and if I am happy, what is it to you or anyone?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: little cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:15:00 AM
"ø¦n§ê°Õ,§A«}¦³«YBig Nose 1977"
1. I am not Big Nose definitely 2. ¦³...wrong word...but I do not mind, because I understand what you mean.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:14:00 AM
§åµû§A¤SÂIBig Nose 1977
Big Nose: if your §åµû makes any sense, I would take my hat off for you; since your §åµû doesn't really make any sense, I am afraid I would only take my pants off ...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:13:00 AM
Big Nose 1977,§A¦Û¤vn¨D¤Ó §C¤F.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:09:00 AM
§åµû§A¤SÂIBig Nose 1977
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Little Cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:08:00 AM
To: Lo Hang
Language is just a tool for communication. Please do not critise other's English level. This is not important at all. if you do not understand what we are saying, you could question us.
Anyway, Big Nose's English is just fluently great to me!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:07:00 AM
ø¦n§ê°Õ,§A«}¦³«YBig Nose 1977
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: little cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/2/2006 12:01:00 AM
To: Lo Hang
Again, please understand that this forum is open for all Puishing guys. Please respest other's opinions.
If you really feel that Fok's grandson is that bad, just quit. Please tell us why you are still working for him. Don't tell us it is because of earning for your living!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 11:40:00 PM
³£øª¾§A¼g«§¬K?blieve«§¦³³oÓ^¤å¦r«§?like it or not?³o³£«Y^¤å?ø¦n¦A¼g°Õ,¦P§Ad²z½×¤@¼Ë±ÐÃa¤H.
Frankly, I sincerely hope that you would remain single and not have any children yourself, as I blieve you are not really fit as parent.
Like it or not, I am from °ö¸t; and sometimes, you cannot blame one's behavior, good or bad, on °ö¸t ... I won't, if you know what I mean.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 11:36:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 11:32:00 PM
ËݦpªG§A¦³¤k,§Æ±æ§AÓ¤k¥i¥H¤ñÊ\¦aºu¤U,¦]¬°§A¸Ü¥u¦³±j«Á¥ý«Yillegal,¤ñÊ\¦aºu´NÉN©Ò¿×,§Ad«§²z½×,§A³£short short¦a,ªP§A«Y°ö¸td®Õ?§Aø¦n±ÐÃa¤H°Õ. Big Nose: there is a difference between hope, wish, dream, hiding your head in the sand and bitching hoping the world will become a perfect somehow. Firstly, I do not have a daughter. But even if I have a daughter, and if I do not want her to be ºu¤W§É, I would do my best to "educate" her. I won't lock her up and keep her from the real world as she would need to face the real world somehow. I definitely won't go around bitching other young men going around ºu¤k¥J¤W§É ...
Frankly, I sincerely hope that you would remain single and not have any children yourself, as I blieve you are not really fit as parent.
Like it or not, I am from °ö¸t; and sometimes, you cannot blame one's behavior, good or bad, on °ö¸t ... I won't, if you know what I mean.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 9:35:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 9:34:00 PM
ËݦpªG§A¦³¤k,§Æ±æ§AÓ¤k¥i¥H¤ñÊ\¦aºu¤U,¦]¬°§A¸Ü¥u¦³±j«Á¥ý«Yillegal,¤ñÊ\¦aºu´NÉN©Ò¿×,§Ad«§²z½×,§A³£short short¦a,ªP§A«Y°ö¸td®Õ?§Aø¦n±ÐÃa¤H°Õ.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 9:29:00 PM
³£øª¾§AÁ¿«§,¤åªk¤S¿ù,³£¼o¨Æµª§A.short short¦a.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 9:27:00 PM
°ö¸t¤H1000 / ¦Ñ§|
°ö¸t¤HÁ¿ªº¬O¯uªº,·í¦~¥þ¥@¬É³£¹ï¤¤¦@©ì¦æ¸T¹B,µ¥©ó¤µ¤é§A¹B³¥¥h¥_Áú,´Nµ¥©ó¨«¨p,¬O¤£®e³\ªº. Big Nose: true, if only "¥þ¥@¬É" does agree on something unanimously (which is probably quite impossible).
There is always two sides to a coin. Imagine, just imagine Mr Fok did not do what everyone said he did (which to you is WRONG), what would China have become today?
Likely that China would not be as strong as today (though I cannot prove it, let's assume this is the case), would you still prefer Mr. Fok to have stayed in line (and have a weak China today) or would you rather he stepped across the line (and have a much stronger China today)?
I know what my choice is, I don't know about yours.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 9:18:00 PM
®v¥S,§Ú´N«¥¼µ²±B,¤£¹LÊ\d®],¦¨¤éºud¤k¥J¤W§É,§Ú´Nøı±oÊ\¦a¥i¥H°µd²Ó¸ô¥Jªºº]¼Ë,Ū®Ñ´N¬O¨D¾Ç,ËÝÀ³øÀ³¸ÓÅͨk¤k©ÊÃö«Y¥ý?¦]Ê\¦³¿ú,Ū®Ñ®É¤w¾r¾pÄ_°¨,d¾Ç¥Í©f·íµM¦n©ö¤ñÊ\·¾°Õ,Á`¤§,§Ú¹ï¦ÑÀNµ´¹ï´L«,¥Õ¤â¿³®a,ÁöµM¦³¥|ӦѱC,Ê\d«á¤H§Ú´N¤£·P®¥ºû¤F. Big Nose: So this is how you judge a person, right? ¦¨¤éºud¤k¥J¤W§É - As I don't really know these boys, from what I read in the news, these boys are nothing more than an average young man. As for ºud¤k¥J¤W§É; well, I am sure these boys are doing no more than what their forefather did. It might not meet your moral standards but hey, who are you to them anyway. Also, I believe it must not be easy coming from such a rich and famous family, things are totally different in the eyes of common people (I assume you are one of them) - if you were from the circle of rich and famous; would you see, do and think the same as you do now? I seriously doubt it. Look at it from a different angle, having a grandfather who had 3 wives, a father who had his marriage under public eyes continually and ended up with a broken marriage; these boys are victims and since none of them ended up dead with drug OD; they are doing well. is that all you can do, just kicking ass? Just remember, rape is wrong and illegal, ºu¤k¥J¤W§É is not.
°µd²Ó¸ô¥Jªºº]¼Ë - oh dear, who said they are or should °µd²Ó¸ô¥Jªºº]¼Ë?
Ū®Ñ´N¬O¨D¾Ç,ËÝÀ³øÀ³¸ÓÅͨk¤k©ÊÃö«Y¥ý - get real, you can dream on and on; but when you do get to look outside the cage, you will find tht we are living in 2006. Government stats have shown that a high percentage of STUDENTS are having sex. How do we define who should or should not have sex? Legally, one can have sex at 16 or older (physically, one can have sex even earlier), therefore, if the boys want to have sex and there are girls (over 16) who are willing to do it with them, what is your problem?
¦]Ê\¦³¿ú,Ū®Ñ®É¤w¾r¾pÄ_°¨,d¾Ç¥Í©f·íµM¦n©ö¤ñÊ\·¾°Õ - again, you seem to be living on a different planet. there are plenty of ¾Ç¥Í©f who would ¤ñboys who are not rich ·¾...!
§Ú¹ï¦ÑÀNµ´¹ï´L«,¥Õ¤â¿³®a,ÁöµM¦³¥|ӦѱC,Ê\d«á¤H§Ú´N¤£·P®¥ºû¤F- I just don't understand you, how can you ´L« someone who had ¥|ӦѱC, and kicking ass to the boys who are courting girls (at such age, ·¾¤k is perfectly normal)? Surely the old man also ·¾¤k and "ºu"¤k¥J¤W§É before turning the girls into ¦Ñ±C, right!?
¦Ñ§|, you are a strange cat a far as I am concern, with you respect or not, those boys will continue to do what they enjoy to do, which is 100 time more enjoyable than you and I bitching here...that's for sure..
Chill a little ¦Ñ§|!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 8:28:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 8:21:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ÀN¦Ñ ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 7:07:00 PM
can you? I doubt you can µo¾î°]; and I believe you can not ¥ß«~ even if you want to try.
Come on, respect the dead a little; will you?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: °ö¸t¤H1000 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 6:32:00 PM
¦b¹qµø¬Ý¨£ð^¦~¹ïÀN^ªFªºµû»ù¡A»¡ÀN¬O¤°»ò°¶¤jªº·R°êªÌ¡A¯u¤£¯à¬Û«H¡IÁÙ¦³¨º±ç®¶^¡A¤]¦³Ãþ¦üªºµû»ù¡I ¥i¨£»´ä¤µ¤Ñªº°ª©x̬O¤°»ò¤ô¥¤F¡Iì¨Ó¤@Ó¤Hªº»ùÈ¡A¦b©ó¡§·R°ê¡¨¡A¦Ó¥B³s¦@²£ÄÒ°ê³£¥i¥H·R¡I¦@²£ÄÒ¦ó´¿·R°ê¡H·R°ê¬°¤°»ò¥s¡§¦@²£ÄÒ¡¨¡H¬°¤°»ò¤£¥s¡§·R°êÄÒ¡¨¡H¦@²£ÄÒ´N¬O«H°¨±ÐªºÄÒ¡A°¨±Ð¬O§_©w°ê®aªº±Ð¡A¤]¬O§_©w¥Á±Úªº±Ð¡A°¨¥s¥uÁ¿¡§¶¥¯Å°«ª§¡¨¡A¦ó¨Ó·R°ê¡I¡H ±ç®¶^ð^¦~³o¨Ç¨ü¥~°ê±Ð¨|ªº¤H¡A¨ì©³Åª¤F¤°»ò®Ñ¡A³ºµM¬O«D¤£¤À¡A´NJ¶Ã©ñ§¾©O¡H¯u¬O¹Ä¬°Æ[¤î°Ú¡I ·Óð^¦~±ç®¶^³o¨ÇµLª¾¾÷·|¥D¸q¤À¤lªº»¡ªk¡A¤Hªº»ùÈ¡A¦b¡§·R°ê¡¨¡I¤Hªº»ùÈ¡A¤£¦b¸Û¹ê¹ê·F¡A©^¤½¦uªk¡A¥H¯u¤~¹ê®Æ¨ÓÄvª§¡C¡§·R°ê¡¨¤£»Ýn¤À²M¬O«D¶Â¥Õ¡A¥un¦³¥Í·N¥i°µ¡A´N¤@©w°µ¡A¨«¨pº|µ|³£¥i¥H¡A´N¥s¡§·R°ê¡¨¤F¡I ÀN¦Ñ¬O¤£¸Û¹êªº°Ó¤H¤@Ó¡A¦p¦ó·R°ê¡HY·R°ê¡A³ºµM¦´N¿ï¾Ü¤F¡§¦@²£ÄҰꡨ¨Ó·R¡Aþ¥Lºâ¤°»ò¥Õ·ö¹À¡H·í¦~¥L¨«¨px¤õ©M¾Ôª§ª«¸êµ¹¤¤¦@®É¡A¡§¤¤°ê¡¨´N¬O¡§¤¤µØ¥Á°ê¡¨¦Ó¤w¡I¥þ¥@¬É³£¥u§â¡§¤¤¨Ñ¡¨¬Ý¦¨³Î¾Ú¤j³°ªºÁ{®É«Dªk¬FÅv¦Ó¤w¡IþÀN¦Ñªº¨«¨p¡§·R°ê¡¨¡A¤£´N¬O¦b«q°ê¶Ü¡H »¡¥L¡§·R°ê¡¨¡A¤£´N¬O¤µ¤Ñ¦]®É¨î©y¡A·s´Â¡§°l«Ê¡¨¦Ó¤w¶Ü¡H¦pªG·s´Âªí´ªº¡A¥s·R°ê¡Aþ¤å¤Ñ²»¨ººØ¬O¤°»ò°Õ¡H »´äªº°ª©x¡AÀ´´XÓ^¤å¦r¡A´N¶Ã©ñ§¾¡A³sÀN¦Ñ³£·í·R°ê¡A©Ç¤£±o³o¤E¦~¨Ó¡A»´ä·d¦¨³o¼Ë§½±¤F¡I ÀN¦Ñ¬O¦l°Ó¤@¦W¡Aµo°]«á¦³ªÅ´N¡§¥ß«~¡¨¦Ó¤w¡I¤°»òª¯§¾·R°ê¡Hµo¾î°]¥ß«~¡A½Ö³£°µ±o¨ì¡A¦³¤°»ò¤F¤£°_¡I
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 6:27:00 PM
§Ú¦b¥L̤½¥q¤u§@¤F¦h¦~,¹ï¥L̳£¦³¤p¤p»{ÃÑ,Á`¤§¯uªº¨S¦³¤T¥N´I,¤u§@ºA«×,®]¤£¤Î¤÷,¤÷¤£¤Î·Ý,¶}·|®É³£øª¾Ê\·QÂI,¤Sø©úÊ\¦aÁ¿«§,¦Ü©ó®]¥Jd¨p¥Í¬¡´Nø«Y¥¿±`¤H©Ò¿×,¨ä¥Lªº§ó¤£»Ý¦h¨¥¤F. Big Nose: now I see why you have an axe to grind; so you have brushed shoulders with the Foks and had dealings with them. I do not know the Foks and I have had no dealings with them none whatsoever. Hence, my comment is very much based upon generalization. Having said that, I can't help but feel that you should look outside the cage. Even if the Fok juniors are not as good as the Fok Seniors; so what? Why should the Fok juniors have everything and do everything right and are better than their seniors? Why should they behave and act in a way you see fit? Besides coming from a rich family; the Fok juniors are very much like eevryone else; they have their fair share of problems too. Who are you to judge them? And suggest they are up to no good? I don't know if you have any children; but if you do, are you sure they are as good as what other think they are? Live and let live, ¦Ñ§| ...
By the way, keep your hair on, if you still have any...
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: little cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 6:24:00 PM
I was just telling my opinions and I do think that the purpose of this forum is to collect different ideas, feelings or opinions from different members.
Please do not get mad and be 'open'.
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 5:27:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Little Cat ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 5:10:00 PM
I agree with Big Nose. Everybody has different background, education and experience. Maybe, if you were his grandson, you might be even a lot worse!! I can tell!
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 11/1/2006 4:48:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/31/2006 10:55:00 PM
what is the problem? are you holding Mr. Fok senior responsible for all the wrong-doings his grandchildren do ?
besides, what is wrong with going out with a woman who is "°êÄ_" / "©ú¬P", why would you use the word "ª±", and what does "ª±" mean anyway? Guys are allowed to go out with females, regardless of what their background is, right?
As for "¥Í·N¤SøÃÑ°µ", how do you know? And besides, why should the grandchildren have to "ÃÑ°µ¥Í·N"?
Coming from a rich family, the children have the opportunity to do what they really like; unlike the common people who have to work their butts off; if they are happy meeting girls, then what is it to you or anyone? Are you jealous?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/31/2006 11:46:00 AM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ±ç©w°ê ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/30/2006 4:53:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦Ñ§| ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/30/2006
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ¦³¤ß¤H ¥DÃD: re:ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/29/2006 4:43:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: ±ç©w°ê ¥DÃD: ÀN¦Ñ¤§¦º ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/29/2006 3:38:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M