| | ¯d¨¥¤H: Big Nose 1977 ¥DÃD: re:¥ÀRªºµo¨¥¥x ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/31/2006 8:04:00 PM
Steve (70)
No la, i have not ¦]¬°¨ü¤H§åµû¤@¦¸«KÁô©m®I¦W, not at all. Just that I have been busy at work (most of us, if not all, have to work somehow). I work in a business that has been taking double digit decline in the last few years. It is almost certain that the business will probably never return to its former glory; it would be good if it can survive the next few years without suffering more. Hence, people who remain working this business would have to double-up; if not triple-up. We hear much about how hard a life the teaching professionals are encountering, but I know there are many who "suffer" just as much, if not more. That's life, I guess. I have been traveling last couple of weeks and didn't have really have access to a computer. Now that I am back in Hong Kong, I have been busy writing up trip reports, hence I have been quiet.
ÁöµM§AªºÆ[ÂI³£¦³¨Çunorthodox,¦ý¬O§Ú³£«D±`ªY½àªº. I also believe I somehow think differently than most common people. I am overwhelmed that you ªY½à my way of thinking. I am more than happy to have a chit-chat with soem old boys and have a laugh. Life is what you make of it, so we should be happy whenever we can, right?
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: 626 ¥DÃD: re:¸U¸t¸` ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/31/2006 3:58:00 PM
¦^¤W¶ | ¥D¶ | ·j´M
¯d¨¥¤H: steve(70) ¥DÃD: ¥ÀRªºµo¨¥¥x ¯d¨¥¤é´Á: 10/26/2006 1:59:00 PM
¦U¦ì¦Ñ®v¤Î®Õ¤Í §A̬O§_¦b®Õ¼y°s·|¤¤¦Y¤F¤Ó¹¡©Î³Ü¤F¤Ó¦h°sªºì¬GµL·v¦b³o¥¥x¤Wµo¨¥,³o´X¤Ñ¤º¬Æ¤Ö¤H¦b³oùصoªí°ª¨£.Miss Chan ©p¥i±aÀY¦h¥X¤@¨Ç¨¥½×¦]¬°¨S¦³©p,´N¤Q¤À¥O¤Hµo·T. ¥t¥~big nose77. §Úı±o§Aªº^¤å®Ú©³«D±`¦n,¤£n¦]¬°¨ü¤H§åµû¤@¦¸«KÁô©m®I¦W.ÁöµM§AªºÆ[ÂI³£¦³¨Çunorthodox,¦ý¬O§Ú³£«D±`ªY½àªº.
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