| | 留言人: I am not Alan Tam 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/16/2006 1:59:00 PM
haha, I know the true but you don't; I have to laugh when I see people acting foolish; thinking they know better but actually they know rubbish, and when they spoke and let rubbish come out of the mouth ... hahaha!!!
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留言人: Alan Tan 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/16/2006 1:54:00 PM
Are you suggesting the guy in the photo is not Alan Tam?
If you do not recognize teh guy in the picture is Alan Tam; then you have a serious eye problem or your computer needs replacing...!
Check the facts before opening your mouth or you would look like a fool, old man!
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留言人: 培聖長老 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/16/2006 1:40:00 PM
無知小子: 你不經別人同意偷偷地上載別人的相片,又故意說他是譚咏麟.如果他的樣子有一點與麟仔相似我們都不介意,但是事與實違. 這何必多比一舉. 這是十分幼稚之舉.我們以善意之心,希望以後不可重犯.你却含血噴人仍不智之舉.以後發言希慎之.
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留言人: Alan Tan 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/16/2006 10:28:00 AM
Sure, if you believe Alan Tam would actually come and visit this site, then you are really a fool!!!
Why can't anyone use the nicked name "Alan Tam" here? What are the rules? Who sets the rules here? Why are you making noise? Who are you anyway?
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留言人: ps 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/16/2006 2:04:00 AM
Please do not upload any meaningless mug shot of unknown person or pretented to be an famous star with the same name.We are not fools.
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留言人: 123 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/15/2006 11:31:00 PM
are u really Alan Tam?He is my idol.I hope u are surely Alan Tam.
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留言人: Ng wai chung 吳偉聰 主題: re:Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/13/2006 9:05:00 PM
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留言人: Alan Tam 主題: Alan Tam 留言日期: 10/13/2006 8:52:00 PM
Have you got any more of my pictures?
If you are looking for any of my pictures that you don't have but want to see, let me know and I will post it up here for you.
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