
留言人: 三毛
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 10:06:00 PM


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留言人: Tat
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 9:51:00 PM


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留言人: Hong
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 8:27:00 PM

才子tat,成個truth table畫上來嘛,咁咪仲清楚.

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留言人: steve(70)
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 1:43:00 PM

請勿見諒:please do not forgive me= I did a terrible thing to you and I don't deserve forgiveness from you.(implying that I am very sorry for causing any trouble to you and I am apologizing for it)

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 11:17:00 AM

我們還可以用變種Truth Table(不是正宗的truth table)去檢驗big nose語句。事前只要知道三個規舉:
1.+ & + → +,正正得正
2.- & - → +,負負得正
3.+ (-) & - (+) → - ,正負得負或負正得負

請(+) & 勿(-) & 見諒(+) → -,所以這是負面的語句
請(+) & 見諒(+) → +,所以這是正面語句
敬請(+) & 見諒(+) → +,所以這是正面的語句
請(+) & 勿(-) & 見怪(-) → +,所以這是正面的語句


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留言人: 天山老老
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 1:19:00 AM


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留言人: 天山老老
主題: re:請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/8/2006 12:11:00 AM


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留言人: big nose 1977
主題: 請勿見諒
留言日期: 10/7/2006 8:53:00 PM

I had lunch with another pui shing old boy who is a teacher by profession this afternoon.
Our conversation turned to the phrase "請勿見諒"; he asked me if there is something wrong with this phrase, as I happened to sign a note for my son for his school and the closing phrass of the note is "請勿見諒"; without thinking, I answered, surely there is nothing with the phrase...

I went home and the more I think about it, the more I find the phrase is not right... may be it should "請見諒" ...

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