
留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/16/2006 2:36:00 PM

No la, 17/18年前, I was not even in Hong Kong ...

Wow, 暑期工就是在馬會當保安,大約有6,000/7,000左右, not bad not bad, goos for you...

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留言人: Tat
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/16/2006 2:17:00 PM

Big Nose:

我serve 過你都唔出奇,因為大約在17/18年前,小弟的暑期工就是在馬會當保安,大約有6,000/7,000左右,當時簡直是天價暑期工,還包兩餐,更可以到貴賓廳厨房偷嘢食,又多靚女睇,真係一流暑期工。做了三個月,成個小富翁咁返學。

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/16/2006 1:49:00 PM



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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/16/2006 1:13:00 PM

為 什 麼 有 馬 會 貴 賓 廳 和 桑 拿 浴 室 那 麼 舒 服 的 環 境 不 去 享 受 , 偏 偏 要 讀 清 楚 培聖人1000 的 發 言,用 腦 子 想 什 麼 共 產 黨 !?

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/16/2006 1:47:00 AM


如果你DON'T GET IT, 你就要努力學習,讀清楚人家的發言,用腦子想!也可以不參加發言,不了了之。不要未想先肯定自己一定甚么都懂!自己日子過得好,以為天下都美好,還要“何不食肉糜”?你真笑死人了啦!

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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 6:13:00 PM

Some people would get confused when get older or when involved in an accident, for example. People close to you would get old too ...

have a heart ... show some love ... and stop living a life bitching about 共產黨; what is the objective here? Convert people to hate 共產黨 just like you? I just don't get it ...

... I suspect you may have had bad personal expereinces with 共產黨; get over it and find a different (and better) life...go to China, and make it better; spend some money and make some constructive contribution ...

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 5:57:00 PM



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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 5:47:00 PM

Big Nose: I am more and more confused with you. You come here and complain this and that about 共產黨 and that 共產黨 does not allow freedom ...
but to me, you have been acting very much like one of the 共產黨 you describe ... 無知不是中立, why not? Why can't a 無知 person be 中立. Surely a 無知 person is allowed to take a 中立 position if he/she wants to, right? 頭腦簡單 brings 高興; I take it every time, am I allowed?

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 4:49:00 PM



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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 12:31:00 PM


Can you not answer a simple "yes or no" question ?

Even if you do not want to answer the question, a simple "I do not want to answer will suffice"; life doesn't have to be so complicated; simple is beautiful, give it a try ...I am begining to believe 共產黨 might have done great harm to you but stop playing victim to 共產黨...you only live 100 or so years, but 共產黨 "may" (and I stress may in case people think I sympathize 共產黨; I always stand neutral on this matter) live on forever ... what is the big deal?

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/15/2006 10:52:00 AM



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留言人: Big Nose 1977
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/14/2006 4:25:00 PM


Do you have any friends at all?

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留言人: 培聖人1000
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/14/2006 4:24:00 PM



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留言人: 小薯仔
主題: re:快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/12/2006 12:55:00 PM




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留言人: 三毛
主題: 快到你唔信
留言日期: 9/12/2006 12:38:00 PM



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