
留言人: Miss Chan
主題: re:正是他:程思俊
留言日期: 8/31/2005 1:07:00 AM


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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: 正是他:程思俊
留言日期: 8/31/2005 12:53:00 AM


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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: re:re:re:re:培聖定培正?正是他
留言日期: 8/31/2005 12:22:00 AM

               Miss Chan

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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: re:re:re:培聖定培正?各自精彩
留言日期: 8/30/2005 2:33:00 PM


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留言人: Miss Chan
主題: re:re:培聖定培正?各自精彩
留言日期: 8/30/2005 2:04:00 AM

           Miss Chan

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留言人: 1977 大鼻
主題: re:re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 11:58:00 PM




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留言人: 1977 大鼻
主題: re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 11:38:00 PM





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留言人: Ng Wai Chung 吳偉聰
主題: 培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 11:33:00 PM


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留言人: 黎俊光
主題: re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 11:33:00 PM


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留言人: 1977 Big Nose
主題: re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 6:52:00 PM

The size of a big head is often a good disguise for having a big brain (probbaly untrue) and I probably have such advantage…but frankly, I have no idea how my brain fare with an average guy...all I know is that I can be a sentimental fool at times...

A sufferer would probably have special feelings when hearing stories about similar sufferings – if you know what I mean …

May be now that I have recovered from the wound (of inferiority complex); I feel like telling all the other Pui Shing old boys who might still be suffering the same that such suffering is simply unfounded…I know there are still Pui Shing old boys who are none too proud to be a Pui Shing old boy...

I might be wrong and I hope I am...

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留言人: 黎俊光
主題: re:re:re:re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 5:54:00 PM


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留言人: 1977 Big Nose
主題: re:re:re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 4:46:00 PM

Another example :

I have come across Joey Tang in an office once, I checked him out calling him "Pui Shing brother", somehow, he was somewhat reluctant to acknowledge - I am almost certain that the reaction would have been different if we were from La Salle Colleage ...

I met Shaun Yu also, and again, he wasn't too enthusiastic talking about Pui Shing (okay, I understadn that he only studied F.6 at Pui Shing) ...

I stress that I do not mean to rubbish the two Pui Shing brothers above, as they might have valid reasons for the reaction; but the encounters did leave me thinking a great deal - Pui Shing old boys are none to forthcoming when coming to acknowledging being a Pui Shing old boy...are these just isolated cases, I wonder?

May be I was just thinking too much ...

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留言人: 許永輝(80)
主題: re:re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 2:55:00 PM

You are All Right!I felt your pain, too. 以前若有人誤把我說的培聖聽作培正,我也懶得去更正,更不用解答培聖在那。香港人太看重所謂名校,名校畢業不外乎讀完中學罷了,人生的路可長呢。就像大鼻兄當年在英國留學生活,也不容易,但我們培聖仔除了英語較吃力外,數理曆史定必交足功課,是嗎?只要能以行動去回應各位師長的教導,就足以自豪。

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留言人: 1997 Big Nose
主題: re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 2:01:00 PM


Please read my original message again...I was simply stating what I believe it was a common impression that much of the Pui Shing back in the 70's felt somewhat inferior being a Pui Shing student at the time...okay, I do not really have any scientific proof but nonetheless, I do believe my comment hold true to a large extent...

However, the key point of my original message was really that there is no reason why Pui Shing boys should feel inferior - judging by the results, Pui Shing did produce much good and sucessful citizen...and more importantly, with good hearts...

I am sorry if I did not express myself too well and gave the wrong impression ...

It would be interesting to know how the current Pui Shing boys and girls see Pui Shing now ... are they proud of Pui Shing or otherwise ...? And I want them to share my expereince - that is, somewhere in life, one would look back and realise how good things were but didnt notice them at the time...

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留言人: 1977 大鼻
主題: re:re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 1:50:00 PM

Did I read the wrong impression that the Pui Shing boys back in the 70's didn't feel as inferior as I think they were?

I am almost certian that mush of the Pui Shing boys back then didn't think as proud about Pui Shing as we should have ...

Also, my original message was very much singing the same song as you guys ... I DO believe that Pui Shing has given me a wealth of life and that I am what I am today because of Pui Shing and I AM proud of being a Pui Shing old boy!!!

I migth have been confused and somewhat unsure of myself (coming from Pui Shing) at the time, but hey, I was only young and innocent then and I didn't know any better ... sorry if I have given the wrong message ...

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留言人: 黎俊光
主題: re:re:培聖,一定是培聖
留言日期: 8/29/2005 1:09:00 PM


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留言人: 馮錦禮
主題: re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 9:42:00 AM

此言差矣.小弟最快樂的時光,就是在培聖渡過.不單有良師教誨.亦有好友相陪.為小弟日後待人處世,打下根基.我一直以身為培聖學生為榮.幾個月前,小弟因工作關係專訪本國(加拿大)總理Paul Martin,與他閒談時被問及在何處中學畢業.我傲然地說:Pui Shing Middle School.總理不明白何謂Middle School.經小弟解釋當年中中的狀況及處境.馬田總理亦極之佩服我校.大鼻兄,約旦河流,西雍山岡,培聖培聖,賴以輝煌.共勉之.

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留言人: 1972梁嘉明
主題: re:培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 2:32:00 AM

大鼻所言差矣! 我是橫跨60及70年代之培聖仔,而黃毓民是1970年畢業,與我同一年代;其實羞羞地告訴您們!當年體弱多病之我,曾是三朝元老;中三時毓民是我的鄰座,

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留言人: 1977 大鼻
主題: 培聖定培正?
留言日期: 8/29/2005 1:02:00 AM

70 年代的培聖仔,大多不以身為培聖仔為荣,偶被問及為何校學生,大多支吾以對,好讓聽者混淆不清,多會加問:培正學生?幾好吖!

一日街頭偶遇黄毓民學兄,細談培聖仔往事陳年,黄學兄笑日:60年代培聖仔勁過喇沙仔,鄰校瑪利洛女校校女,正的大多被培聖仔「溝」上,當年幾時輪到D喇沙仔吖...做培聖仔做セx 要自卑...!





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